Assange’s Paranoia Totally Justified: Spies Recorded All Comings and Goings in Ecuadorian Embassy!

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
July 10, 2019

Julian Assange was being bugged and monitored the whole time that he was in the embassy.

What’s worse, he seemed to be aware of this and that must have been absolute agony for him.


Julian Assange’s team had plans to evacuate him from London to Russia or Cuba, but the Australian, who was watched round-the-clock by a Spanish security firm, refused to flee as it might be seen as defeat, a media report reveals.

Cuba was an interesting choice. Especially considering that there’s no free internet there. It would be an ignominious end to the illustrious hackerman’s career. Regardless, this wouldn’t have worked. No country in the world was strong enough to even consider taking Edward Snowden, except, of course, Russia.

As for Assange and Russia, there are conflicting stories about what happened between them. Some people claim that Assange requested asylum, but was rejected because the FSB thought he was some sort of CIA asset. Others claim that Assange was a liberal through and through, and that he didn’t understand the predicament that he was in – the man used to spend his days wining and dining with Scandinavians for God’s sake.

Regardless, he was right to be paranoid that the Ecuadorians were allowing him to be spied on.

A private security company called Undercover Global SL was eavesdropping on Julian Assange during his stay at the Ecuadorean embassy, El Pais reported, citing documents, videos and audios it has had access to. The firm was in charge of protecting diplomatic premises on London from 2012 to 2018, which probably allowed their operatives to infiltrate Ecuador’s mission.

Undercover Global collected intelligence about Assange, as well as his lawyers and assistants. Some of the firm’s documents specifically focused on the whistleblower’s meetings with lawyers visiting him to discuss legal matters. Spying noticeably intensified once Lenin Moreno, who later evicted Assange from the embassy, came to power in Ecuador. 

And, of course, anyone who visited Assange is now on a list as well.

The cripple cries out as he spies on you

This could all end if Trump reins in his DOJ or just pardons Assange, of course. But no one is holding their breath for that anymore.

I assume that Assange’s only remaining card to play was selling out people who worked with him over the years for some kind of clemency – but if he’s been monitored this whole time, well… it looks like he doesn’t have many cards to play anymore.