Atheists and Christians Unite to Fight New Speech Laws in Britain

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
November 4, 2014

Criticize this and you will be justifying hate under the Conservatives new speech crime laws.

The Conservatives are planning on bringing in new free speech restrictions designed to silence all criticism of their Jewish masters and assorted pets.

They are sneaking these new laws in under the guise of protecting people from ‘extremists’ and are redefining extremist to mean anyone who they decide is ‘spreading hate but not breaking any laws.’

This would mean that people quoting certain parts of the Bible or criticizing gay marriage would be treated the same as if they were members of Boko Haram or ISIS.

The evil plan has been hatched by the arch-feminist Theresa May, and will include ‘Extremism Disruption Orders’ to prevent people posting messages on Facebook or Twitter and from speaking in public.

Anyone seeking to challenge these orders would have to go all the way to the High Court and once there, established facts would not be allowed to be included as evidence.

This means that they can silence whoever they feel like, just by claiming that the person was ‘justifying hatred’ against one of the protected groups of perverts and foreigners.

This unprecedented attack on free speech and the liberty of conscience that Britain always used to be famous for has led to alliances between the most unlikely candidates.

Theresa May has upset both Christians and atheists with her bigoted plans.


The National Secular Society and the Christian institute – two organisations with often diametrically opposing interests – said they shared fears that the broad scope of extremism could represent a major threat to free speech.

Keith Porteous Wood, director of the NSS, said secularists might have to think twice before criticising Christianity or Islam. He said secularists risk being branded Islamophobic and racist because of their high profile campaigns against the advance of Sharia law in the UK.

“The Government should have every tool possible to tackle extremism and terrorism, but there is a huge arsenal of laws already in place and a much better case needs to be made for introducing draconian measures such as Extremism Disruption Orders, which are almost unchallengeable and deprive individuals of their liberties,” he said.

“Without precise legislative definitions, deciding what are ‘harmful activities of extremist individuals who spread hate’ is subjective and therefore open to abuse now or by any future authoritarian government.”

Simon Calvert, Deputy Director of the Christian Institute says its a crazy idea and the Conservatives need to drop it like a hot brick.

Simon Calvert, Deputy Director of the Christian Institute, said traditionalist evangelicals who criticise gay marriage or even argue that all religions are not the same could find themselves accused of extremism.

“Anyone who expresses an opinion that isn’t regarded as totally compliant with the Equality Act could find themselves ranked alongside Anjem Choudary, Islamic state or Boko Haram,” he said.

He added: “How many times a day do intellectually lazy political activists accuse their opponents of ‘spreading hatred’?

“The left does it, the right does it, liberals do it, conservatives do it, it is routine.

“Hand a judge a file of a thousand Twitter postings accusing this atheist or that evangelical of ‘spreading hatred’ and they could easily rule that an EDO is needed.

“It’s a crazy idea – the Conservatives need to drop this like a hot brick.”

A Conservative spokesman said: “Freedom of expression and freedom of speech are a vital part of a democratic society.

“In Government, Conservatives have always tried to strike the right balance on freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, freedom to manifest one’s religion, and the need to protect the public. We have never sought to restrict peaceful protest or free speech, provided it is within the law.

“Our proposal to introduce Extremism Disruption Orders reflects the need to go further on challenging the threat from extremism and those who spread their hateful views so that we can keep that democratic society safe.”

If you do not have the freedom to be offensive and the freedom to take offense, then you do not have freedom at all.

The definition of bigot is to silence another’s opinion and there is nothing more bigoted than using the strong arm of the law to do it.

Keith Porteous Wood, director of The National Secular Society is worried that they would no longer be able to criticize sharia law.