Australia Announces Recognition of Jew Jerusalem

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 15, 2018

It’s great that the entire western world is okay with these Jews just stealing a city from the Arabs.

But if they can do this, then we should be able to steal Los Angeles from the Mexicans.

That seems fair.

If the Jews are making the rules, fine. But we should be able to play by the same rules.


Australia formally recognizes West Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, reversing decades of Middle East policy, but will not move its embassy there immediately, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said on Saturday.

“Australia now recognizes West Jerusalem, being the seat of the Knesset and many of the institutions of government, is the capital of Israel,” Morrison said.

“We look forward to moving our embassy to West Jerusalem when practical,” he told reporters in Sydney.

Morrison said in October he was open to shifting Australia’s embassy from Tel Aviv. President Donald Trump’s decision to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv in May delighted Israel, infuriated Palestinians and upset the wider Arab world and Western allies.

Morrison’s unexpected announcement in October was viewed cynically because it came days before a crucial by-election in an electorate with a strong Jewish representation, a poll his party subsequently lost.

It also drew criticism from Muslim-majority neighbors such as Indonesia and Malaysia, neither of whom formally recognize Israel’s right to exist. Arab countries worried that the move would unnecessarily inflame tensions in the Middle East.

Israel regards all of Jerusalem as its capital, including the eastern sector that it annexed after the 1967 Middle East war, and wants all embassies based there. The international community believes Jerusalem’s status should be resolved through negotiation.

Australia might end up getting Allah Akbared over this. They’ve certainly got a lot of Moslems living there these days.

The Malaysians and Indonesians come in to their base like Mexicans come into America and Arabs come into Europe.

Indonesians tend not to spontaneously explode, I suppose. That is really mainly an Arab thing.

But seriously: this thing of flooding your country with Moslems while being complete Jew shills is nutzo. It’s like “yo, pick one.”

Trump at least is against Islamic invasion. And to their credit, British Labour is against Jews while supporting Islamic invasion. It’s the failure to choose one that is so baffling.