Australia: Anti-Invasion Flyers Cause Hysteria in Affluent Neighborhoods

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
May 30, 2015


Australia’s Party For Freedom have hit the headlines with some anti-immigration flyers pointing out how the Chinese are pushing up house prices and replacing the ethnic Australian population.

As usual the anti-White media are having a field day and calling it Hate, but that has not stopped 800 people pledging to join the group in a protest against the Chinese invasion.

Hopefully now the fliers have received mainstream publicity, more people will turn up to protest that the country is being stolen from its children and handed to the highest slantey-eyed bidder.



Party for Freedom chairman Nick Folkes confirmed that he printed 5000 pamphlets and has been distributing them around the lower north shore, inner west and inner city.

The brochure states that “greedy foreign invaders” are “pricing locals out of the market”, warning that “Australians will become a minority in their own land within the next 30 years if present invasion figures continue”.

Mr Folkes said his flyers were not intended to offend but to draw attention to the issue of foreign investment in Australia.

“We are really concerned about the high level of foreign ownership in Australia – it’s getting out of control,” he said.

“If you can’t control the economy you are not going to have a high standard of living. Why is this government encouraging foreign ownership at the expense of Australian families? It’s insane. I can see a future where Australians are a minority in their own country.”

A YouTube video in which Mr Folkes burns the flags of China, the Greens, the Coalition and Labor as well as images of Prime Minister Tony Abbott and NSW Premier Mike Baird is aimed at provoking debate, he said

“A lot of people may not like it but we need to have a conversation about these important issues,” he said.

“I see as offensive what’s going on with the whole economic genocide of the Australian people. They can’t afford a home, they can’t find a decent job. I find that offensive. A lot of people feel bound by political correctness but if we can get this conversation going it would be bloody excellent, actually.”

The pamphlets were widely condemned with Multiculturalism NSW cheif executive Harkan Harman saying the message would not resonate with the Australian public while Minister for Multiculturalism John Ajaka described it as a “vile attack.”

Member for Lane Cove Anthony Roberts has referred the matter to the police.

“I have sent a letter to the local area commander at Ryde asking him to investigate any possible breaches of the law and, if so, bring appropriate charges against anyone involved in the production and distribution of the offensive leaflet,” he said.

According to a post on Facebook, 2200 people have been invited to the rally at the Chinese consulate on Saturday and almost 800 say they will attend.