Australia: NSW State Enacts New “Domestic Abuse” Laws to Completely Destroy Married Men

One of the ads they made to educate people about “coercive control”

There is no end to feminism.

It just keeps getting more and more extreme.

The goal is to make any form of normal heterosexual sexual behavior illegal.

Victim-survivors of domestic, family and sexual violence will now have stronger protections in New South Wales, with the criminalisation of coercive control and stronger bail laws coming into effect.

They couldn’t decide if “victims” or “survivors” sounded better, so they just started using both at the same time.

From Monday, coercive control will be considered a stand-alone dedicated offence in NSW.

Significant bail reforms will also come into effect from Monday, making it more difficult for those accused of serious domestic violence offences to get bail.

Under the new coercive control laws, if found guilty, perpetrators can face up to seven years in prison.

Attorney-General Michael Daley said it was essential people felt safe in their relationships and these new laws will ensure they’re supported.

“From today, coercive control in current and former intimate partner relationships will be a crime punishable by up to seven years’ imprisonment,” Mr Daley said.

Coercive control can manifest in different ways and is linked to a pattern of behaviour that may include financial and emotional abuse, violence and intimidation, threats against pets or loved ones, tracking someone’s movements, or isolating them from family and friends.

Police minister Yasmin Catley said NSW Police have undergone, and are continuing, training to recognise and respond to the complex and nuanced signs of coercive control.

Yasmin Catley

“The criminalisation of coercive control in NSW is a significant day for victim/survivors,” Ms Catley said.

“Not only does it add further legal weight to their experiences but gives the NSW Police Force another mechanism to address domestic and violence.

“NSW is leading the country with these laws.

“Criminalising coercive control sends a strong message: this vile, criminal behaviour is not tolerated.

“The mandatory training is thorough, it shows how seriously the NSW Police Force are taking this, and it ensures all operational police can identify and take action against coercive control offences in NSW.

“The feedback I’m getting from the police on the ground is that the training is valuable, comprehensive and officers feel well supported.”

All normal human sexual dynamics are now “vile, criminal behavior.”

But you can cut a kid’s dick off if the school counselor signs a paper.

Under the new laws, people charged with serious domestic violence offences that carry a maximum penalty of 14 or more years jail will also be required to show cause why they should not be detained until their case is determined.

Anyone charged with sexual assault, kidnapping, and choking to render someone unconscious with intent to commit another indictable offence will fall under this category.

“Domestic violence” is a complete hoax.

If you beat up your wife to the point where she is physically damaged, you’ve committed a normal criminal assault.

The law already exists: you’re not allowed to hurt people, physically, at least not in a significant way.

Bruises are sort of a gray area, but you definitely can’t break people’s bones or hit their head to the point of a concussion.

This was already illegal.

Creating new categories of “special circumstance” laws has been a cornerstone of the tyranny, because the normal legal system was designed to protect people, not destroy them.

They even made one with a dyke in a wheelchair