Australia: Pregnant Firefighter Hits Back at Critics Saying She Shouldn’t Fight Fires While Pregnant

Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
November 14, 2019

Just the right place for a pregnant woman.

Coming up next: pregnant women soldiers fighting in wars.


A pregnant firefighter has hit back at critics who said she should not be helping fight the devastating Australia bushfires.

Kat Robinson-Williams is 14 weeks pregnant and has written a powerful post saying she would not ‘just stay behind.’

Kat, 23, has been given the all-clear by her doctor and said she will continue to help the crisis, which has already claimed three lives.

She wrote on Instagram: ‘Yes I am a firefighter. No I’m not a man. Yes I am pregnant. No I don’t care if you don’t like it.’

This is the woman:

Kat Robinson-Williams

She looks like her mom fought fires while pregnant with her.

Kat is the third generation of her family to volunteer with the New South Wales (NSW) Rural Fire Service.

She has volunteered with them for 11 years, following in the footsteps of her mother who also fought blazes while expecting.

That explains it.

Kat is one of thousands of firefighters battling more than 150 fires that have been raging for a week across a 100,000 hectare area.

The expectant mum took to social media after several of her friends told her ‘you shouldn’t be doing this.’

As well as a rebuke, she also posted several pictures of herself in firefighting gear on the way to an incident.

Kat told the BBC: ‘I’m not the first pregnant firefighter and I’m not going to be the last one.

That isn’t heroic. That’s moronic.

Pregnant women should be taking care of the child they carry to the best of their abilities. A woman doesn’t make much of a difference as a firefighter, but it makes a difference for her kid.

It really does look like her mother fighting fires while pregnant had a negative effect on her, and now she’s doing the same to her child.

Speaking of the family history, she said: ‘It’s a family thing, we’ve always done it. My grandmother is still volunteering, has been for 50 years, and my mum has been doing it for over 30 years.

My mum was also pregnant during the fire season of 1995. It kind of runs in the family,” she said. “When I was young, my grandma made a toddler size firefighter outfit for me.’

Motherhood is more important than fighting fires. It is more important than any other thing women can do. It is the one thing absolutely critical to the survival of mammals.

Animals understand this.

Men can’t do it. Only women can, and they have to do it in order for future generations to exist. This is nonnegotiable. Wombs exist to be used. They are not optional body parts. It is impossible for women to compensate for not having children. There is nothing they can do to make up for it.

Pregnant women jeopardizing the health of their kids should be shamed, not celebrated.