Australia: Smerff Electrical Chief Put in Jail for 9 Months for Failing to Take Down a Pepe Website!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 7, 2019

You may remember that a couple of years ago we had ad banners up for an Australian electrical services company called “Smerff Electrical.”

They were actually making good money while being an openly pro-white business, so the Occupation Government of Australia had to shut it down.

Well, Simon Hickey, the head of Smerff Electrical, was a supporter of ours and on his own websites, he linked to us and had images of Pepe and other memes.

He was sentenced to 9 months in jail for refusing to take down these websites. And the Australian and international media are completely failing to report on it.

The Stormer has acquired a letter he wrote back in September, outlining his situation.

I’m going to just go ahead and print most of the letter, so you can hear it straight from him.


Today 19 September I went to Supreme Court, charged with “contempt of court” for failing to remove my websites (which are now hosted elsewhere).

The Judge gave me 9 (nine) months jail. I shit you not.

I dunno whether that means 9 serve 9 or 9 serve 3 then parole but I’m still pissed off. I got one more court tomorrow that will finish my outstanding so I’ll have more accurate info then.

I’m still charged with my private conversation that may have offended someone but didn’t, that’s in October 26. I think maybe 25 Oct. Brisbane magistrate court.

This shit is insane.

The court today would not accept that every statement I made in regards to the court conduct was true, in the public interests and therefore not subject to prosecution.

I said at one stage that the conduct of the courts up to now was worthy of contempt. That didn’t help. LOL

I will not let this minor setback deter me. I will never tire. Never slacken. Never give up.

He also asked that people share these three website links:

The first one is his website, the third one he says will have court records about his case. I don’t know what the second one is, but I was asked to post it so I am posting it.

This is I believe his prison address:

Simon Hickey
Smerff Electrical
F14587 Brisbane Correctional Centre
Locked Bay 2600
Mt Ommaney QLD 4074

I am working now on trying to get more information. I can’t write him myself, but I hope that people in Australia do.

Simon is a hero who refused to back down. He is the best of us.

If you don’t know who he is, watch this video.

They have repeatedly raided the man’s home simply because he posted memes and was openly pro-white – in particular, they were scared because he was successful financially while doing so.

Here are some of the court documents, proving that this is actually happening:

It is an incredible thing that the media is not reporting on the fact that he was sentenced to NINE MONTHS IN JAIL for hosting a website containing Pepe memes.

Seriously – nothing at all.

It’s a secret imprisonment!

For memes!

We will follow up on this very soon.

Never forget, America: Australia is our greatest ally. 

We stand with them.