Australia: Tech University Lowers Entry Standards for Women

Daily Stormer
August 30, 2019

Falling bridges are a small price to pay for diversity.

The Guardian:

The University of Technology Sydney is trying to encourage more young women to study engineering, computing and construction degrees by adjusting year 12 entry scores for female applicants.

The university has received approval from the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board to make a 10-point adjustment to the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank of female students applying for those degrees for the 2020 academic year.

The university hopes it will help address gender imbalances in those male-dominated industries.

It never occurred to these people that those “imbalances” are the result of biology, did it?

There has never been one (1) single IQ study ever made that didn’t show that almost all of the smartest people on the planet are men.

That’s an easily demonstrable reality, not a myth

But let’s pretend for a second that reality doesn’t exist because professor Shlomo said so in his sociology class and ask the question – so what?

Even if there were as many women as men capable of being engineers, mathematicians or whatever – why the heck would it matter if they actually did it or not?

What would be gained in these professions?

And the answer, of course, is nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

UTS Women in Engineering and IT director Arti Agarwal insisted the move would not lower standards.

“We’re not taking in underperforming students or doing tokenism here,” she told Guardian Australia. “Nobody is getting a free pass … They all have to do all the degree requirements [and] internships.”

Agarwal said the move was part of the university’s 30-year effort to improve gender equity in engineering, which includes primary school and high school outreach programs and mentoring for female engineers.

“We looked at the performance of Atar and the performance of [grade point average] so a lower Atar did not mean they would get a lower GPA.A higher Atar did not mean they were best in the class,” Agarwal said.

She noted a large number of engineering students gained entrance into the undergraduate degree through other pathways, which often were lower than the year 12 Atar minimum score.

What this mongrel bitch is saying is that there were already ways to get in while having a score lower than the minimum… and her conclusion from this is that women specifically should have another way to get in without meeting the minimum requirements.

Does that make any sense to you?

Agarwal said previously that, on average, females received 4-8% of UTS offers to study mechanical engineering/mechatronics. The university expects the score adjustment will increase female study offers to about 20%.

In civil engineering on average 16% of offers are to female students and this could rise to 20%. In computer science 10% of offers are to female students and this could lift to 19%.

According to Engineers Australia, 84% of Australian engineering graduates are men. Female engineers make up 13% of the workforce. Australia faces a looming shortage of engineers.

You’re having a shortage of engineers because these twats aren’t at home having children and raising them, which is what they should be doing, and the only thing upwards of 95% of them are qualified to do.

A 2017 Engineers Australia report found part of the problem was low levels of female high school students were studying the prerequisite subjects. Less than 6% of girls nationally studied physics in year 12, with advanced maths at 6.2%.

Engineers Australia’s professional diversity manager Justine Romanis backed the UTS move.

“We need to be disruptive – what we have been doing to date is just not working,” she said.

In 2016, the Australian National University announced that it was broadening its admission processes for engineering degrees away from reliance on Atar scores towards broader selection criteria.

Atar is a number between 0.00 and 99.95 that indicates a student’s position relative to all the students in their age group.

This Justine Romanis bitch didn’t do a day of engineering in her entire life.

Why didn’t you become an engineer, huh?

Why aren’t you out there building stuff, instead of having some pointless makework job which does nothing other than disrupt society?

Why are none of these feminists who demand more women in jobs that they can’t do actually doing those jobs?

Even the ones who get a degree rarely do any actual work in the field, and just start “campaigns” for this retarded shit.

Man I hate women… When the heck are those sexbots ready?