Australia: Three LGBTPs Rape Airbnb Guest to Death

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
November 1, 2017

Intrigue: Islamic victim of gay murder!

Jew-run lodging rental service Airbnb (run by the Jew Brian Chesky) announced in August that people they suspect of supporting nationalist politics will be banned from their platform.

But that doesn’t apply to homosexual perverts, who are known for being violent predators.

When I first heard this story of three white men gang raping and killing a person with a Middle Eastern name, I was taken aback by the bizarro nature of the story. When I realized the victim was a man, then it all started to make sense.

Business Insider:

Three men are facing murder charges in the death of a man who booked a room at their home in Melbourne, Australia, through Airbnb.

The alleged victim, 36-year-old Ramis Jonuzi, had booked into the East Brighton home where the three men lived, and was allegedly raped and murdered last week, local media outlets and a news wire service reported.

Craig Levy, 36, Ryan Smart, 37, and Jason Colton, 41, made their first appearance in a Melbourne court on Friday. Each has been charged with murder in Jonuzi’s death, with Colton also facing charges of rape in the case.

The Guardian reported that Jonuzi had booked into the $30-a-night Airbnb room, but told a friend that he planned to cut his stay short. It was not immediately clear how Jonuzi died, but paramedics said the man suffered a cardiac arrest and they were unable to revive him, the Guardian’s report said.

An Airbnb spokesperson condemned the suspects in a statement, calling the alleged murder “an abhorrent act.”

“We have removed this listing from our platform and will fully co-operate with law-enforcement on their investigation,” the statement read in part. The accused men are expected to remain in custody until their next court appearance in March 2018.

The homosexuality of the suspects is totally brushed off by the Judenpresse here. That’s because queer media and institutional power is only second to Jews. Our modes of communication serve as nothing more than a public relations team for the LGBTP gaggle of psychotic paraphiles.

So, why did Mr. Jonuzi want to cut the stay short? Was he a homosexual as well? Or did the three sphincter aficionados take some drugs and begin trying to pressure him into depraved sex acts?

Homosexuals as a rule have sexual fantasies about straight men. The only way to make these fantasies come true is through violence, intimidation and rape – in prison, in post-Don’t Ask Don’t Tell military barracks, in Hollywood, etc.

Knowing all these facts, AirBnB will still let faggots rent their too-good-to-be-true-priced rape dungeons out. If nationalists get are turned away despite no incident while fags continue to have access, we can only assume that (((Chesky))) and co don’t mind stuff like this happening on their service.