Austria: Afghan Migrant Stabbed Up to Four People

Daily Stormer
March 10, 2018

He’s just a starving child.


You only ever hear about the BAD immigrants.

What about the doctors and lawyers and such?


Police in Vienna have arrested an Afghan migrant after four people were stabbed in the second district of Vienna in two separate incidents, although police are not confirming the man is a suspect in both.

Four people have been stabbed in two separate locations, by the Nestroy metro station and the Praterstern train station Wednesday evening according to Vienna police. The first attack saw a suspect stab a man along with his wife and seventeen-year-old daughter and flee, while the second involved the stabbing of a Chechen migrant Die Presse reports.

Investigators confirmed the arrest of the Afghan migrant in connection with the second attack but are still investigating whether or not the arrested man was responsible for the first attack.

All victims are said to be in critical condition following both incidents.