Bannon Leaves the White House, Goes Back to Breitbart

Daily Stormer
August 16, 2017

The war is escalating.

Well, it’s happened.

Bannon is out.

Though it’s unclear what exactly has led to that. At this stage, it doesn’t appear as though Trump fired Bannon at all, but rather that the chief strategist felt exasperated by all the traitors and globalists within the administration stalling Trump’s agenda.

Whatever the case, our enemies are rejoicing exuberantly. Maybe a little too exuberantly, in fact.

Woah, there, merchant. Cool it with the anti-goyish remarks. (Real headline).

Meanwhile, Breitbart seems to be shifting to a fighting mood.


Huffington Post:

Steve Bannon, a senior adviser to the president who was largely credited with shaping the strategy that got Donald Trump to the White House, is out from his role as the president’s chief strategist. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, said Bannon and Chief of Staff John Kelly agreed Friday would be his last day.

“We are grateful for his service and wish him the best,” Sanders said in a statement.

The details of Bannon’s departure remain unclear. The New York Times reported Trump had decided to remove Bannon, but also that a source close to Bannon said the adviser had submitted his resignation on Aug. 7 to be effective Aug. 14. MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle also tweeted Bannon is “out.”

CNN’s Jim Acosta and Axios’ Jonathan Swan both tweeted Bannon had been fired.

Of course that’s what the fake news media would want to push as a narrative.

They definitely want Trump’s base to believe Bannon was fired, because they know this will demoralize them. Bannon was the symbol of the people’s will, the one man in Trump’s administration which stood unwavering in defense of the president’s campaign promises.

And it could be the case that this represents a betrayal of Trump’s stated principles. But it’s too early to call it for sure.

Meanwhile, Trump has been fairly positive about Steve Bannon’s departure, showing at least that he doesn’t want a public perception of a break with his former chief strategist.

Bannon, on the other hand, has been issuing a somewhat more worrying message.


But Bannon isn’t declaring a war on Trump. Rather, he’s signaling that the problems are coming from their enemies becoming too influential.


“If there’s any confusion out there, let me clear it up: I’m leaving the White House and going to war for Trump against his opponents — on Capitol Hill, in the media, and in corporate America,” Bannon told Bloomberg Businessweek’s Joshua Green.

Hopefully, this means that both Bannon and Trump agreed that the media veteran could be of greater us at the helm of Breitbart than with his hands tied in the den of vipers which is Capitol Hill.

This could be part of a great plan.

It’s possible Breitbart will now start a massive media offensive against the perfidious traitors fouling the swamp at Washington DC.

We can only hope.

Either way, the Daily Stormer has come back from the abyss, and we’re angrier than ever.

This time, it’s personal, Jews!