Berlin: Gang of Hajis Beat Up He-Cop and She-Cop, Hajiess Films It

Unfortunately, the video hasn’t been made available.


I’m rather fond of these animals vs. zookeepers videos.

Infowars Europe:

Two police officers in Berlin were attacked by a group of “immigrants” while the assailants’ mother filmed the beating, according to local media.

The attack, which was described by the police press office as mere “resistance” by suspects, was only brought under control after a female officer drew her service weapon while she was being assaulted and her partner was being kicked on the ground.

Officers reportedly approached a suspicious vehicle and requested identification from the 23-year-old driver, who returned their request with insults before he and a fellow passenger, 21, violently set upon the male officer.

“A 27-year-old woman, who had also been sitting in the car, also hit the female colleague of the policeman lying on the ground,” Junge Freiheit reports. “She finally pulled out her service weapon and threatened to shoot so that the two men would let their colleague go.”

“In the meantime, the mother of the thugs appeared and filmed the police operation. Additional police forces were called in to help arrest all those involved. The two attacked policemen had to break off their service and have their injuries (haematomas and bruises) treated in the hospital on an outpatient basis.”

Upon a request for additional information from Junge Freiheit, police revealed “the three perpetrators are German citizens with a so-called migration background.”

“They are now being investigated for dangerous assault and assault on enforcement officials.