Bibi Going Down! Trump Doesn’t Care Allegedly!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 19, 2019

It appears now very likely that Bibi Netanyahu may go down. I won’t believe it until I see it, because there remain tricks he could have up his sleeves. So I’m not going to start analyzing it just yet.

Just for those who don’t understand – the Wednesday election ended with Bibi having a majority in the Knesset. But whether or not he’ll figure out how to remain Prime Minister is not yet clear.

What is interesting is that Trump appears to think he’s going down and isn’t coming out real friendly with him.

Washington Post:

President Trump appeared to distance himself from embattled Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday, declining to offer either encouragement or praise to his most enthusiastically loyal foreign ally now that he faces potential electoral defeat.

Speaking a day after Israeli elections that at best leave Netanyahu weakened, Trump seemed cool to the Israeli conservative who has touted his ideological lockstep with Trump as a chief reelection credential.

Trump said he had not spoken to Netanyahu, a man he has described as a close friend. He then noted that the election is close while playing down Netanyahu’s importance to the alliance between the United States and Israel.

“Our relations are with Israel, so we’ll see what happens,” Trump told reporters traveling with him in California.

Netanyahu failed to win a clear majority in national elections Tuesday that the long-serving conservative leader had hoped would give him a strong mandate for another term and armor against a looming corruption case.

Bibi going down would throw a wrench in things.

Probably not a big wrench.

But a big part of this whole problem we’ve got with Trump is that he’s a stupid boomer who actually appears to think that Bibi is just a really cool guy because he kills Moslems. So probably – hopefully – Bibi being out would mean that Trump would at least be thinking less about Israel.

I guess.

Anyway, like I say, I’m not putting energy into analyzing this until I get confirmation that Bibi is out. Because I still don’t really believe it.