Biden Giving “Mass Amnesty” to 350,000+ Migrants


This is unfortunate, I suppose.

Though it’s not like something else was going to happen.

New York Post:

While the Biden administration is attempting to look like it’s getting tough on the border, behind the scenes it’s operating a program of a “mass amnesty” for migrants, The Post can reveal.

Data shows that since 2022, more than 350,000 asylum cases filed by migrants have been closed by the US government if the applicants don’t have a criminal record or are otherwise not deemed a threat to the country.

This means that while the migrants are not granted or denied asylum — their cases are “terminated without a decision on the merits of their asylum claim” — they are removed from the legal system and no longer required to check in with authorities.

The move allows them to legally, indefinitely roam about the US without fear of deportation, effectively letting them slip through the cracks.

This is just a massive amnesty under the guise of prosecutorial discretion,” according to Andrew Arthur, a former immigration judge who now works for the Center for Immigration Studies.

You’re basically allowing people who don’t have a right to be in the United States to be here indefinitely,” he added to The Post.

The real numbers, when all is said and done, will be much bigger than this.

The goal of the Democrats at this point is just to legalize as many illegals as possible, in order to displace white people.

They can rig national elections, but they want every single state to be a blue state, and the only way to do that is to bury every state in these brown people from anywhere/everywhere that Biden has been flooding the country with for nearly 4 years.