Biden’s Support Collapses Earlier Than Expected – Below Warren and Sanders in New Poll

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 27, 2019

I and others knew from the beginning that Joe Biden’s support would eventually completely collapse. However, I didn’t expect it to happen so early.

Fox News:

A new national poll suggests a three-way tie between Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and former Vice President Joe Biden in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination.

And the survey – released Monday by Monmouth University – indicates a massive drop for Biden, the front-runner in the nomination race since before he declared his candidacy in late April. It also reflects an increase in support for both Sanders and Warren, the Democratic Party’s two progressive standard-bearers.

Sanders and Warren are both at 20 percent in the poll, with Biden at 19 percent. The former vice president plunged 13 percentage points from the 32 percent he stood in June in Monmouth’s last national poll on the Democratic nomination race. Sanders rose six points from the June poll, with Warren rising five points.

The Biden campaign took aim at the survey, telling reporters “this poll is an outlier that is contradicted by every measure of the national average.”

The campaign pointed to the Real Clear Politics average of the latest national polls in the 2020 Democratic nomination race, which indicate Biden holds a double digit lead over Sanders and Warren, his two closest competitors.

“The main takeaway from this poll is that the Democratic race has become volatile,” Monmouth University Polling Institute director Patrick Murray said.

Maybe it’s a hoax poll – who knows. I doubt it. Monmouth trying to destroy Joe Biden doesn’t make any sense.

It makes more sense that polling companies are propping up Biden, given that he’s presumably the only candidate who can actually beat Donald Trump in a general election. He’s at least the only candidate that the establishment would allow to get the nomination who can beat Trump.

Even if the poll is a hoax, this is something that is happening. There is no way Biden can hold out. He’s an evil white male. According to the Jews, white males as a group are the enemy.

So there simply is not room for him in this project.