Biggest Congressional Trip Ever: 72 Republicans and Democrats Travel to Israel, Vow “Unconditional Support”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 12, 2019

Let’s just put anti-Semitism aside for a minute and ask ourselves how it can possibly make sense that our politicians are traveling to a foreign country to pledge to serve them.

Why should our politicians be serving any foreign country? How is this justifiable?

Jewish News Syndicate:

A total of 41 Republicans and 31 Democrats are in Israel on overlapping party tours to get a firsthand view of the complex security challenges Israel faces and to express their unconditional, bipartisan support for the Jewish state.

The delegations are touring Israel’s borders and gaining insight into Israeli advances in areas of defense, agriculture, water desalination and conservation, and commercial technology. In addition, the groups met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Blue and White Party leader Benny Gantz, and Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas.

“This is the largest delegation that has ever visited Israel,” said House Majority Leader Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), who led the Democratic delegation at a joint press conference of the two delegations on Sunday at Jerusalem’s King David Hotel. “We have 32 freshman members in our delegation of the 41. For many of them, it is their first visit to Israel,” said Hoyer.

House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said that the U.S. relationship with Israel represents “an unwavering and undeniable bond, and the most important relationship we have in the Middle East. I want to emphasize that this is more than 15 percent of the entire U.S. House of Representatives with you right now.”

Why is there an “unwavering and undeniable bond”?

Why should we have such a thing with any country?

Why are American politicians not focusing on America?

The concurrent trips come among growing political discord between the parties in the United States, as well as increasing calls from the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, most notably “Squad” members Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) to call into question America’s relationship with Israel while promoting calls for the boycott of Israeli products.

Tlaib, Omar and Ocasio-Cortez skipped the trip specifically designed for their fellow freshmen members of Congress by the American Israeli Education Foundation (AIEF), a division of the American Israeli Political Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

In response to the boycott-promoting members that did not attend under the banner of #skipthetrip, Hoyer noted that Congress recently “passed the resolution in opposition to the BDS movement, which is a movement that seeks to undermine, we believe, Israel’s security and safety,” adding that the “resolution passed with 97.5 percent, and that is a clear indication of united support—Democratic and Republican support together—on behalf of the same vision.”

Isn’t the US supposed to be a “democracy”?

When the question has been taken to the people, in a Pew poll just this last April, only 41% of Americans supported the Israeli state, and only 64% supported the Jews at all.

That is still a disgusting amount of support for these obnoxious meddlers, but you don’t have to be a math genius to see that it is nowhere near 97.5%, meaning our government officials, allegedly democratically elected, are outright refusing to support the will of the people and instead support Jews.

Especially among Democrats, there is very little support for the child-murdering Jew terrorists of Israel.

And yet Democrats are going to Israel to suck kikes like Taylor Swift sucks Hollywood cocks.

Rep. Brad Schneider (D-Ill.), a veteran of congressional missions to Israel, told JNS that by participating, new representatives are given the opportunity to learn firsthand about the threats Israel faces.

“This trip gives them the chance to understand the nuances, and appreciate the importance of the U.S.-Israel relationship,” he said.

What is the importance of this relationship?

I mean, to the US – believe me, I understand that importance to Israel. We give them billions upon billions of dollars in free money and we fight endless wars for them. Our entire foreign policy is based around their interests.

But what is the benefit to the US?

I have literally never heard a single attempt by anyone to explain this, yet the media just mentions it in passing as if it is obvious.

They say “they’re our only friend in the Middle East” – but hey, before Israel became our “friend,” we didn’t have any enemies in the Middle East!

Regarding media focus on progressive opposition to longstanding bipartisan support, Schneider said that “when you are looking through a camera lens, it is kind of like looking into a room through a keyhole. What you see is a very little piece of the whole. If you take a step back and look at the reality, again, last month 398 people voted against BDS and in support of Israel.”

He went on to explain that is precisely why such congressional visits are necessary.

“Why this trip is so important is so people can see more than just the camera lens, they can see the entire perspective for themselves,” said Schneider.

Maybe Congress should take a trip to Syria or Iraq and see the consequences of Jewish wars? See how that helps their perspective?

Maybe a trip to Yemen, where the US government is supporting the slaughter and starvation of children?

Or how about a trip to Iran, where normal intelligent people are being terrorized by the US government for no reason other than that the Jews dislike them?

Anyone who goes anywhere is going to develop a perspective on that place that they don’t have if they haven’t been there. This is hardly a deep insight.

Rep. Kim Schrier (D-Wash.) told JNS that “this trip has been incredible. It is an eye-opening experience. We got an inside view nobody else gets,” adding that “getting a deep dive into the politics and talking to professors and heads of state has been incredibly instructive.”

Rep. Kelly Armstrong (R-N.D.), on his first trip to Israel, told JNS he hopes that members of the delegations see for themselves “how small Israel is geographically and how that equates to a lot of the national security conversations that go on here.

“It’s surrounded by a whole lot of countries that wish this people significant ill will,” said Armstrong. “That plays into a lot of it.”

“Israel is the only true democracy in the Middle East,” Armstrong continued. “They are our oldest and closest ally in this region. And strengthening that is constantly what we should be worried about.”


Constantly worried about strengthening Israel.

We shouldn’t be constantly worried about this graph.

Or this graph.

Or this graph.

Or this graph.

Or – God forbid! – this graph.

No – not at all, my fair goyim.

What we should be worrying about is strengthening Israel. 

After all, that is why America exists as a nation in the first place.

At least, that’s the impression I’m getting from these politicians.