Bill Clinton Tries to Distance Himself From His Close Friend, Jewish Crime Lord Epstein

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 9, 2019

Bill Clinton could end up going down for this.


Former President Bill Clinton distanced himself on Monday from Jeffrey Epstein, a billionaire financier and former donor who was arrested for child sex trafficking over the weekend.

Clinton, who has taken a lower public profile since the 2016 presidential race, issued a statement through his press secretary, Angel Ureña, claiming to know “nothing about the terrible crimes” Epstein is purported to have committed.

“President Clinton knows nothing about the terrible crimes Jeffrey Epstein pleaded guilty to in Florida some years ago, or those with which he has been recently charged in New York,” the statement reads. “In 2002 and 2003, President Clinton took a total of four trips on Jeffrey Epstein’s airplane: One to Europe, one to Asia, and two to Africa, which included stops in connection with the work of the Clinton Foundation.”

The statement denotes that “staff, supporters of the Foundation,” and the former president’s Secret Service detail were along on “every leg” of those trips.” Fox News, however, reported in May 2016 that Clinton went on at least 26 trips aboard Epstein’s plane — the “Lolita Express” — between 2001 and 2003, according to flight logs from the Federal Aviation Administration. Listed as the destination for those trips were exotic locales like the Azores, Singapore, Brunei, Norway, and Russia, among others.

On at least five of those excursions, the flight logs denote that Clinton was not accompanied by any Secret Service personnel. The former president, though, did occasionally travel in the company of Ghislaine Maxwell, a New York socialite, and Sarah Kellen, Epstein’s former assistant. Both women were previously investigated by the FBI and Florida law enforcement over concerns they helped recruit Epstein’s underage victims.

Clinton claimed he had “one meeting with Epstein in his Harlem office in 2002, and around the same time made one brief visit to Epstein’s New York apartment with a staff member and his security detail.” The former president stated he had not spoken to Epstein “in well over a decade” and has “never been” to any of the locations where the abuse is alleged to have taken place.

Can you imagine if this is what they finally get the Clintons and all of the rest of this scum on?

It will be like when Donald Trump won the election because that Jew Weiner was jacking off at 15-year-olds on Skype.

And who will we have to thank for it?

Seriously, give this man some love.

Whatever he’s done – and he’s done a lot of fucked up, stupid shit – all must now be forgiven.

SDNY already raided Epstein’s house and found a bunch of child porn.

And that’s already been printed in the papers.

So he’s basically completely and totally fucked. You can pull favors from corrupt prosecutors, you can say a bitch is lying, you can say whatever other thing to get out of whatever kind of thing, but when you’ve got CP in your house and the cops get it and the media prints that the cops have it, there is no longer any way out.

And all of these people around him are going to fold and turn state’s evidence.

And who the hell even knows who will go down?

We know for an absolute fact that Jeffrey Epstein is a Mossad agent who was getting blackmail on everyone he could get blackmail on by having them have sex with underage girls and filming it.

This could go any which way from here on in.

We’re in for quite a show now, kids.

God bless you, Mike Cernovich.