Bishops Calling for Church to Address F-2-M Trans Monk Controversy

I’m sure the Vatican is going to get right on this.


Top priority.

New York Post:

The revelation that a Kentucky archbishop is sponsoring a transgender Catholic hermit has led to bishops calling for church leaders to study the matter and issue guidance, church sources said.

Brother Christian Matson, a diocesan hermit of the Lexington diocese, revealed his transgender status May 19, a move approved two days later by Bishop John Stowe, who heads the church there.

Matson is a biological female. Photos of the hermit — someone who lives in a “stricter separation from the world” according to Catholic teaching — show a person with facial hair and a receding hairline.

There apparently are no rules in Catholicism on how the church should deal with transgender individuals who seek a religious life in the church. Stowe quickly issued a statement praising Matson “for his witness of discipleship, integrity and contemplative prayer for the Church.”

But the disclosure has some Catholic leaders concerned. Several have asked the US Conference of Catholic Bishops’ president, Archbishop Timothy Broglio, to direct the group’s canon law committee to develop guidelines, according to Catholic website The Pillar.

The Pillar said clerics asked Broglio to pass the subject to the canonical affairs panel “because no one has said anything” about it, according to a “senior” church source. “No one knows if the [Vatican] is going eventually to address it,” the insider told the news outlet.

I know if the Vatican is going to eventually address it: no, they’re not.

If they do, you’re not going to like what they say.

This is the direction of the Church now.

People can either accept that or pretend it isn’t happening.

It is what it is.