Black Boyfriend Leaves Critically Wounded Girlfriend and Steals Good Samaritan’s Car When She Stops to Help

February 9, 2014

Jennifer Jones
Jennifer Jones is still having problems with believing that a human being could actually steal the car from someone who had stopped to help a critically wounded person.

Jennifer Jones says what happened to her Sunday night is too ridiculous to even be considered for a plot on Hawaii Five-O.  It’s so unimaginable she says if it wasn’t her own story, she wouldn’t believe it.

“Who’s going to come steal your car while you’re rendering first aid?! It’s just unfathomable that someone would do that,” Jones exclaimed, but that’s exactly what she says happened to her.

Jones says she was driving home when she witnessed a car crash near the H1 eastbound Waialae exit.

“There was a woman hanging half out of the car.  She was just covered in blood so I immediately went to her and told her it was going to be okay and dragged her out of the car and put her over by my car,” Jones said, explaining that as an instructor at Ice Palace she has been First Aid and CPR certified for 17 years.

Jones says the woman appeared delirious, but the two other men she was with made it out of the SUV on their own.

“She said that she had just met this gentleman and they were hitchhiking back to Hawaii Kai and he pulled a knife on her in the car and they struggled for the grip of the steering wheel and hence the collision,” described Jones.

A crazy story – and one that turned out not to be true.

Jennifer shows off her car.

“The police later informed me that indeed that car was stolen and those three people had just taken it off of a dealership lot,” Jones said, but she didn’t know that at the time – so when she jumped out of her car to help, she left her keys in the ignition and her purse and cell phone on the front seat.

“All of a sudden I saw the brake lights turn on, I heard the car go and he burned rubber and just took off and I just sort of sat there, it was very surreal.  You’re sitting there at a traumatic scene and then someone steals your car – what do you do? I mean, you can’t really do anything at that point because you have to deal with the more important thing – cars can be replaced, but this lady really needed help,” Jones explained.

According to Jones, police have arrested two of the three people involved – including 22-year-old Christopher Daniels, but they still haven’t caught the man who ditched his injured girlfriend at the scene and used Jones’ Miata as a getaway car.

“How could you leave your girlfriend in critical condition at a site and then steal the car of the very person who is helping her?  It was very much a slap in the face,” said Jones.

Jones has the “Find my iPhone” app and used it to track her car down as soon as she got home.

Christopher Daniels
Christopher Daniels did not care that nobody might stop to help the wounded ever again in Hawaii. He did not even care whether his female mate died. All he cared about was stealing the shiny thing.

“My friends were all teasing me, ‘It’s not CSI, Jennifer.  It’s not Hawaii Five – O.  It’s not going to geotrack your phone’ and I was like, ‘It will!'” Jones said.

Jones was right.  Honolulu Police found her Miata within minutes in Kaimuki. She says the car thief trashed the inside and took several of her personal belongings, including her heels and a heavy jacket she wears while coaching at the Ice Palace.

“Left behind were all of his clothes – his shirt, his pants were in my car.  So I’ve got this image of some guy running around in heels and my coaching jacket,” Jones said with a laugh.

Jones says there was another Good Samaritan who also stopped to help at the very moment her car was stolen.  She only got his first name, Michael, but she’s hoping to be able to track him down someday to thank him.  She’s also keeping her fingers crossed that her coaching jacket will turn up.

Jones says even with the way things turned out, she would respond the same way again.

“Their bad actions aren’t going to change my good actions.  I would still stop today if I saw a car, it’s the right thing to do.  It’s Hawaii, we should be watching out for each other,” Jones said.