Black Girl DESTROYS Kansas City Using Facts and Logic

Move over Ben Shapiro, there’s a new master of facts and logic on the block and she is a Q-U-E-E-N.

Twenty-year-old Keiajah “KJ” Brooks this week took down the entire city of Kansas City in a viral video. The smart youngster took her opportunity to speak at a city event before the city commissioners, and broke down everything that is wrong with that city in under three minutes.

“So I’m going to spend the next two minutes reading y’all for filth, something I’m sure nobody has ever done,” KJ said at the beginning of her speech, then she went on to explain why each and every one of them is bad news.

Due to her thin and skeletal nature, KJ is being called the “Kansas Mantis.”

KJ is the co-founder of the “Chingona Collective,” a multicultural queer-inclusive intersectional organization.

This is the kind of leadership that blacks need if they want to bring down white people once and for all.

Many people are calling for Joe Biden to drop out of the race and hand over the Democratic nomination to KJ, as she is really what this country deserves.