Black Guy Beats Old White Man to Death and Steals His Car for NO REASON

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
November 5, 2017

I’m starting to notice a pattern with the kind of people who murder old White people.

But what could their reasons be?


Two people have been arrested after the car of a 79-year-old man found beaten to death inside his Southside Virginia home was found hours away Saturday night in Washington, DC.

“A man, asleep in his home in the middle of town. The house gets broken into and he gets murdered for no apparent — there’s no rationale for it,” Watson said. “This is a very inconspicuous house, on a very inconspicuous street, in the middle of town. It cannot be random.”

The disturbing discovery happened after a neighbor called police when he saw something unusual Saturday morning.

“The guy next door saw a chair propped up against the house and window knocked out and the car gone, so he called the police,” Webb’s son-in-law, Southgate Lee, said. “Apparently, he must of confronted them or something and they beat him to death in the bedroom.”

Investigators quickly determined that two items were missing; Webb’s wallet and car.

“License plate readers in Washington, and also Maryland, picked up the vehicle,” Watson said. “The vehicle was found by the Washington Police Department after the BOLs were put out, they spotted the vehicle and stopped it.”

Detectives from Emporia traveled to Washington to talk with the two suspects.

At this point the pair are only facing larceny charges for stealing the car. They have not been charged with murder.

One of the suspects, Dickie Brown.