Black Man Arrested For Anti-Black Hate Crime Hoax After Big FBI Investigation

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
October 25, 2017

A member of the Coon Klux Klan has been arrested and charged for a series of anti-black graffiti “hate crimes” on the Eastern Michigan University campus in early 2016.

How many of these “hate crimes” aren’t hoaxes? It’s a pretty outrageous waste of resources, but the FBI actually got heavily involved here. The extent of the crime was a crude scrawling of “KKK” and a few racial slurs, but “hate crimes” are the only crimes our failed system seriously investigates.

In a sense, this helps us. All these racism and anti-Semitism hoaxes are being exposed as attempts to defame us. The goal is to prejudice the public against us as violent Neo-Nazi terrorists so that the Jews can use the state to repress us and prevent the debate before it even happens.

Washington Post:

Last fall and in the spring, the otherwise quiet campus of Eastern Michigan University was hit by three ugly incidents of vandalism targeting blacks that rocked the community.

The first came in September, when “KKK” was sprayed in red, white and blue paint on the wall of a dormitory, along with a threat that used a racial slur and told blacks to “leave” the school in Ypsilanti, about 11 miles southeast of Ann Arbor.

Then, on Halloween, the same ominous hate message using the n-word and ordering blacks to leave showed up on another building, this one right next to the campus’s monument to Martin Luther King.

“It really has rocked our community,” Judith Kullberg, an EMU political scientist and president of the faculty senate, told The Washington Post. “In this whole context of a very tense presidential election, it has raised anxiety here considerably.”

In the spring, a third racist message was left in a men’s restroom stall.

Coming as other campuses were being hit by similar acts of what appeared to be hate vandalism, the incidents sparked protests and made national news.

On Tuesday, the university was shaken again when police announced that a 29-year-old black man, a former student, had been charged in all three crimes.

The suspect was identified as Eddie Curlin, a student at the school from 2014 to 2016, who is serving a one-to-five-year sentence on an unrelated charge of receiving and concealing stolen property, according to a university statement.

Curlin was arraigned in Washtenaw County District Court on charges of malicious destruction of property, identity theft and using computers to commit a crime. A preliminary hearing is set for Nov. 9.

EMU’s chief of police, Robert Heighes, did not offer any motive for the incidents, except to say that “it was not driven by politics and it was not driven by race. It was an individual item done by one individual,” Heighes told the campus newspaper, the Eastern Echo.

Campus police noted that they had committed more than 1,080 hours to investigating the incidents, with the help of the FBI and the Michigan State Police, among others.

Generally speaking, blacks caught for doing this stuff get reported on, but this won’t dissuade them from committing more phony hate crimes.

On top of that, the most egregious hate crime white-defamers – Jews – still have their allies and associates working around the clock to hide the truth when they engage in this activity (#hoaxgate).

Nevertheless, this incident gives you a taste of the encroaching PC dystopia that awaits us. 1,080 hours of state police and FBI resources were burned to get to the bottom of some tasteless graffiti by a Negro-Nazi. Do they spend 1,080 hours investigating murders in Detroit? No, because unless the suspect is white and victim is [insert protected species], those are love crimes! 

The reason Big Judah is willing to waste so much time and money on cases like this is that (((they))) are trying to collect evidence to prosecute a bigger case: outlawing the First Amendment and putting all supporters of the Alt-Right in prison.

Unfortunately, the (((special interests))) influencing our government (SPLC & ADL) have the verdict before the proof.

We applaud the FBI and Michigan State Police’s great work in solving this mystery.

All of these hate crimes are fake.