Black Serial Rapist Arrested

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
September 7, 2018

How dumb do you have to be to let yourself go anywhere alone with a black?


Kenyon Johnson, 24, was charged with two counts of aggravated rape after police say he lured women to vacant houses and sexually assaulted them at gunpoint.

The two vacant homes are next door to each other on Olive Bark Drive in a newer subdivision.

A report says the first incident happened in mid-August after he met a woman at a gas station on South Parkway. They exchanged numbers and he told her to come over the next day before his girlfriend came home.

An affidavit says he asked her to be quiet when she got inside because his baby was sleeping.

The woman told police he then put a gun to her side and raped her inside the vacant home.

Later in the month, police say he met a different woman on Beale Street and invited her over that week.

Records say he told this second victim to come to another vacant house on Olive Bark Drive, and the same scene played out when she walked inside.