Black Stabbed White Woman to Death After Asking Her for a Lighter

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
May 17, 2018

Any time a Black knocks on your door they are trying to size you up for a robbery or some other crime.

They don’t need water.

They don’t need a phone.

They sure as hell don’t need to use your stove to light a cigarette.

(They may actually need a five dolla, but don’t give it to them).

News Journal:

The 20-year-old DeSoto man charged in the Thursday stabbing death of a Longview woman spent Wednesday knocking on the woman’s neighbors’ doors and asking to borrow a cigarette lighter.

Longview police officers responded to a call Thursday afternoon in the 300 block of East Grand Avenue and found Sandy Smith, 51, a carrier for the News-Journal, bleeding. She was taken to a local hospital, where she died.

Rodrick Deshun Arkeith Elliott was arrested Friday in Gladewater, according to Longview police. He is being held on a $500,000 bond in Gregg County Jail on a warrant from the 307th District Court for murder.

On Friday, Smith’s neighbors spoke about encounters they had with Elliott the day before her death.

Elliott knocked Wednesday afternoon on Greg Sampley’s door on Avenue C, the former police officer said.

“He goes, ‘Can you give me a lighter?’” Sampley said. “What do you need it for?”

Sampley said Elliott asked to use his stove to light a cigarette.

“I told him to get off my property, and if you come back, you are going to have big problems,” Sampley said.

Sandy Smith.