Black With a History of Touching Kids Tries to Become a Private Basketball Coach for Teens

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
February 3, 2018

The greatest threats to young people are faggots and Blacks.

Faggot Blacks are the ultimate danger.


Just six months after being arrested for making inappropriate contact with a minor in Roseville, a so-called private basketball coach and registered sex offender, is caught once again, this time in the Bay Area.

Melvin Flemings, 28 of Citrus Heights, was arrested by police in Hayward after offering a student private lessons.

He’s a registered sex offender with a growing rap sheet. The man who goes by the alias “Melvin Allen” was arrested most recently in Hayward after he allegedly approached a teen at Mt. Eden High and offered private basketball lessons through his so-called company, Evolution Sports. Luckily, that teen told his mom who then got involved.

Sgt. Rueben Pola with the Hayward Police Department said, “The parent agreed to meet with this person, and after the meeting with their son and this person, they ended up doing an internet search, and they found that his name is not Melvin Allen, it’s Melvin Flemings, who is a registered sex offender.”