Black with Criminal History Pleads Guilty to Murdering White Man in Shock Twist

Daily Stormer
August 1, 2017

Erron Coleman.


This is the most unexpected news I’ve read all week.


One year and two days after 20-year-old Daniel Rowe was shot and killed while taking out the garbage at a Riverside restaurant, Jacksonville police announced an arrest in the case. Rowe was shot July 22, 2015, in an alley behind the Blind Rabbit, near the intersection of King and College streets, during what police described as a robbery attempt.

“It’s taken a while, but I’ve got some answers,” Hackney said, adding police took their time to build their case. “We don’t want an arrest, we want a conviction.”

Erron Coleman, 25, was charged with murder, plus armed robbery, burglary and weapons charges. Coleman has 12 previous felony convictions and was a suspect in a 2015 strong-arm robbery when a tip from an inmate led police to investigate his connection to Rowe’s death.

Erron Coleman’s criminal history

In Oct. 20, 2010, Coleman was convicted of multiple burglaries and car thefts and sentenced to 5 years in prison. He served 3½ years on 11 charges and was released on Nov. 21, 2014.
Coleman was arrested Nov. 30, 2015, and charged with three counts of burglary and held on $225,000 bond. On April 28, 2015, Coleman was charged with a March 25, 2015, robbery and his bond was increased to $ 1 million.

July 25, 2017, Coleman was charged with the murder of Daniel Rowe.

Daniel Rowe.