Blagg FBI Leaker Sentenced to Four Years in Prison!

Adrian Sol
Daily Stormer
October 19, 2018

We can’t let this leaking go on.

The Trump administration has been undermined from the start by a gaggle of deep-state subversives leaking information like sieves on the high seas.

I’m a real poet, you know?

All these leakers need to be caught and executed for treason.

Or at least, jailed, I guess.

And so far, very little has been done – until now. At long last, one of these leakers is getting what’s coming to him – a few years in the slammer.


A former FBI agent in Minnesota who admitted to leaking classified defense documents to a reporter was sentenced Thursday to four years in prison.

Terry James Albury, 39, pleaded guilty in April to one count each of unauthorized disclosure of national defense information and unauthorized retention of national defense information. He apologized in court before the sentence was handed down.

Prosecutors said Albury betrayed public trust when he stole more than 70 documents, including 50 that were classified. The information he shared with an online news organization included a document classified as “secret” that related to how the FBI assesses confidential informants.

Albury appears to be a blagg.

It appears that this is the guy who leaked a story about the FBI to The Intercept, a radical leftist publication. The article was phrased as an attack on Trump.

In other words, he’s clearly a subversive who was trying to undermine the Trump administration.

How are such people even vetted to work at the FBI? Who can take an intelligence agency seriously if they employ anti-American leaking negroes?

U.S. District Judge Wilhelmina Wright said Albury abused his security clearance and position as an FBI agent to commit a crime.

“You did so knowingly. You did so willingly. You knew that what you did was a criminal act, and you knew that you were putting the nation’s security at risk,” the judge told Albury.

Wright said the prison sentence reflects the seriousness of the offenses and should deter others from doing something similar.

Albury’s defense attorneys had asked for probation, saying he acted patriotically and was morally conflicted by the FBI’s counterterrorism policies that he viewed as racial profiling.

“I leaked secret documents because of muh racism!”

Pro-tip: this isn’t actually a valid legal defense.

The Trump administration and Attorney General Jeff Sessions have made prosecuting government employees who leak sensitive information to the media a priority. Sessions said last year that the Justice Department had more than tripled the number of active leak investigations since President Barack Obama left office.

Albury was accused of sharing documents with an online news organization, including one document, dated Aug. 17, 2011, that related to how the FBI assesses confidential informants. The date of that document and its subject matter corresponded with a Jan. 31, 2017 story on The Intercept.

This is the story in question.

Again, The Intercept is the same journal who published that leak from Reality Winner in order to de-legitimize Trump’s administration, and thus the American government.

So it seems everyone who’s leaking stuff to this site ends up in jail – good. The journalists should be jailed as well. After all, no one could leak to the press if the press wasn’t willing to publish classified information for fear of criminal prosecution.