Board Shuts Down Columbia Law Review’s Website Over Article Accusing Israel of Genocide

Jews are are the richest and most powerful people on earth by a virtually unbelievable margin. However, we can’t let that distract us from the fact that they are also somehow the most oppressed people on earth.

In a shocking and confounding twist, the degree to which they are oppressed is equal to the degree of their overwhelming wealth and influence.

Because of how badly they are oppressed, we simply cannot allow people to write articles about them. It’s just not right. The world needs to come together and denounce anyone who would write an article about a Jew, and we need to shut down every publication that would print something like that.


Student editors at the Columbia Law Review say they were pressured by the journal’s board of directors to halt publication of an academic article written by a Palestinian human rights lawyer that accuses Israel of committing genocide in Gaza and upholding an apartheid regime.

When the editors refused the request and published the piece Monday morning, the board — made up of faculty and alumni from Columbia University’s law school — shut down the law review’s website entirely. It remained offline Tuesday evening, a static homepage informing visitors the domain “is under maintenance.”

The episode at one of the country’s oldest and most prestigious legal journals marks the latest flashpoint in an ongoing debate about academic speech that has deeply divided students, staff and college administrators since the start of the Israel-Hamas war.

Several editors at the Columbia Law Review described the board’s intervention as an unprecedented breach of editorial independence at the periodical, which is run by students at Columbia Law School. The board of directors oversees the nonprofit’s finances but has historically played no role in selecting pieces.

In the piece, Rabea Eghbariah, a Harvard doctoral candidate, accuses Israel of a litany of “crimes against humanity,” arguing for a new legal framework to “encapsulate the ongoing structure of subjugation in Palestine and derive a legal formulation of the Palestinian condition.”

Eghbariah said in a text message that the suspension of the law journal’s website should be seen as “a microcosm of a broader authoritarian repression taking place across U.S. campuses.”

Editors said they voted overwhelmingly in December to commission a piece on Palestinian legal issues, then formed a smaller committee — open to all of the publication’s editorial leadership — that ultimately accepted Eghbariah’s article. He had submitted an earlier version of the article to the Harvard Law Review, which the publication later elected not to publish amid internal backlash, according to a report in The Intercept.

Just imagine: it’s 1943 and you’re in a concentration camp. Your number comes up and you’re called into Josef Mengele’s office. He turns you into a lampshade. Fast forward to 2024. Your copy of Columbia Law Review arrives in the mail, but you can’t read it until someone comes and changes your bulb. Finally, one of your maids comes to change your bulb so you can read the review, and you find someone wrote something that hurt your feelings.

Sorry, but unless you’re Jewish, you can’t even begin to understand what that would feel like.

These people have to be stopped. It’s time for Jews to fight back.

It’s time to shut it all down, once and for all.