Bombs are Hoaxes, Experts Say Not Meant to Explode

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 26, 2018

The FBI has yet to come out and say that these bombs are all hoaxes, but experts are weighing in publicly and saying that they could not go off.

CNN interviewed one.

They are claiming that there was “pyrotechnic powder” (for fireworks) in one of the bombs, though the FBI has not confirmed that. They’re saying “it is believed to be” that. But the FBI has already tested it and – at time of writing – hasn’t said that’s what it is.


The presence of what is believed to be pyrotechnic powder is one reason why authorities consider them to be potentially destructive, though it appears they were handled through the postal system — where they were jostled and moved — without any explosion.

Outside experts have pointed to the lack of a triggering mechanism, suggesting they were never meant to explode.

Whoever is doing this is just trying to elicit a fear or disrupt something,” said Ryan Morris, founder of Tripwire Operations Group, a company that provides explosives training to law enforcement and military officials. He had examined images of the devices sent to Soros and to CNN’s New York offices.

“There are a multitude of more sophisticated methodologies that would have worked if they really wanted this to work,” he added.

The devices included very common components, making it more difficult to get clues from the signature of the bomb. But the components could still provide clues — like the clock and the tape used.

Yes, I agree – someone was trying to disrupt something.

The reason that CNN says that it is “believed” that the device sent to them contained explosive powder?

This x-ray photo of the alleged bomb:

They are claiming that image indicates to them that this contained pyrotechnic powder.

Obviously, no one can tell anything from that image.

But as said above, the thing on the outside that looks like a timer is NOT a detonator.

A local Ohio news site also interviewed an expert (there is not a lot of this going on, so you have to dig for it – or let me dig for it; that’s what I’m here for).


A local bomb expert tells us he’s fairly confident that the bombs sent coast-to-coast are hoax devices, although still capable of doing very real damage.

Retired Capt. Kelly Mayer believes the bomber will be identified very soon.

Mayer retired after 23 years on the job as an FBI-certified bomb technician and firefighter.

“It’s disturbing, clearly someone has a political aim,” Mayer said. “They have a grievance and they’re a dangerous person.”

But from the photos and X-rays that have been released so far, particularly with the one sent to CNN, he’s “fairly confident that they’re hoax devices.”

That’s because the devices are missing two key components to make it a true explosive device: an external battery and an initiator to trigger the explosion.

Please note that the reason he is saying they are bombs is that he is operating on the assumption that the powder is pyrotechnic powder – which again, no one knows and the FBI has not itself claimed.

Unlike the above CNN expert, he said that the bomb should be very easy to track – that is an interesting difference between these two experts, no?

There is a myriad of information that you can get from the devices because they didn’t explode. Even if they had exploded, we can recover 95 percent of the bomb by weight,” he said. “There is an incredible wealth of information they’re going to gain from these devices. I can easily find them developing a suspect within the next day or two.

I don’t think they’re going to find a suspect in the next day or two.

I think this is going to go on for quite a while. And the media might just kill the story.

Because people are questioning it. And they’re flipping the hell out.

Right now, as the story stands, they do not know who did it – but they are expecting everyone to go along with their own theory that it has to have been done by a Trump supporter, because the people receiving these packages are enemies of Trump.

But that is simply a theory – and it does not pass Occam’s Razor.

The simplest explanation is that whoever did this is trying to hurt Trump in the midterms by providing a talking point for the media. That is the obvious assumption. Calling people who observe that “conspiracy theorists” is nonsensical.

People Who are Asking Questions

In my earlier article, I mentioned Lou Dobbs deleting this tweet:

However, after deleting that, he posted a follow-up last night – using my point that they are not saying what the hell is in the packages.

Why indeed.

As I wrote yesterday, withholding the information on the packages this long at the very least amounts to FBI collusion with whoever is doing the bomb hoaxes. The only reason they would withhold this information – as Lou suggests – is if they are trying to give the media fuel to harm Trump.

Ann Coulter suggested it was liberals.

(Although I wouldn’t call Uncle Ted a liberal – he was technically an anarchist, but a right-wing kind of anarchist. Interesting guy – he believed in going back to the primitive hunter-gatherer era to stop technology from destroying society, something which I also believed at one point in my life. I always recommend people read his manifesto.)

Michael Flynn Jr., son of former Trump advisor Michael Flynn, called it a hoax outright.

Even Rush Limbaugh suggest it.

Donald Trump Jr. hasn’t said anything, but he liked a post saying, “FAKE BOMBS MADE TO SCARE AND PICK UP BLUE SYMPATHY VOTE.”

James Woods also suggested it was a hoax.

So we’re getting some of this.

We need more of this.

As I said: it’s not Trump’s job to call this out. The right-wing media needs to be doing it – and thus far, Breitbart and Fox are not doing that very much at all.