Brandon Claims He’s Building a Port in Gaza to Deliver Aid for Those Who Survive His Bombs

See: Biden Administration Using Loophole to Hide More Than 100 Arms Sales to Israel

If you survive our bombings, we’ll try to feed you.

But we cannot guarantee that the Jews won’t ambush you while you’re trying to get this food.

Sorry, Amalek, but this is a democracy, so this is the way it’s gotta be.


President Joe Biden will announce in his State of the Union speech on Thursday that the U.S. military will construct a temporary port on Gaza’s Mediterranean coast to receive humanitarian aid by sea, senior administration officials said.

Planning for the operation, initially based on the island of Cyprus, does not envisage the deployment of U.S. military personnel in Gaza, the officials told a news briefing.

Biden will tell Congress he is ordering the U.S. military “to undertake an emergency mission to establish a port in Gaza, working with like-minded countries and humanitarian partners,” one official said.

The facility would accommodate large ships carrying food, water, medical supplies and temporary shelters.
Washington will work with European and regional partners and allies to build an international coalition of countries that would contribute capabilities and funds, the officials said.

An Israeli official said Israel “fully supports the deployment of a temporary dock” on Gaza’s coast and the operation “will be carried out with full coordination between the two parties.”

Yeah, they support the dock as a new ambush location.

The Jews are just going to camp it.