British Depleted Uranium to Greatly Hurt People in the Ukraine, Russian Ambassador Explains

Depleted uranium rounds are such a ridiculous concept. They only made sense in Iraq, where the people doing the war were planning on leaving after they killed everyone.

The fact that they were distributed in the Ukraine shows what the West actually thinks of “Ukrainians.”


London’s decision to supply Kiev with depleted uranium (DU) ammunition will hurt the Ukrainian people the most, as they will have to live with the consequences of the toxic metal for generations, Andrey Kelin, the Russian ambassador to the UK, told RT on Wednesday.

In addition to sending Ukraine main battle tanks, the British government has promised to deliver armor-penetrating ammunition made with DU, and has already trained some Ukrainian troops in its use.

Ambassador Kelin told RT that he will “continue to explain” the harmful effects of the ammunition, including the drastic increase in cancer rates, birth defects, and the contamination of the water and the soil “for at least six generations.”

“This is a terrible thing, and if it happens in Ukraine, it will be big trouble, for the agriculture and for the people that are living over there,” Kelin told RT. He admitted there is little chance that London will change its mind, because that would mean admitting a mistake.

Kelin made headlines recently when The Sunday Times published an extensive interview with him, only to quietly delete it several days later, without an explanation. The Russian Embassy subsequently published a copy of the article in full, to protest the censorship.

That such a prominent paper as the Times found itself under “serious pressure” to remove the article shows the extent of censorship in the UK, Kelin said.

Yeah, it’s really important to the narrative that this war is somehow about helping the Ukrainians.

They’re all going to be dead in the name of the US occupying land that they don’t even live on, but it’s all about helping them somehow.

No one has explained how controlling the Donbass or hosting NATO nukes helps anyone in the Ukraine, and it’s a pretty glaring problem. They have to fall back on retarded baby nonsense like “Putin is evil and he invaded just to kill people randomly.” But that is so stupid that it is virtually impossible to keep it in people’s minds as the reasoning behind this endless war.

When you add “yeah, also, we’re giving them DU to shoot everywhere across their country,” it becomes a very serious mess.

The censorship is really even more aggressive than the censorship of the Covid hoax.