British Government Fight the Enemy Invasion from Calais by Throwing Tiny Amount of Money at It

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
September 21, 2014

This week Paul Coles and daughter Joanne found one of the savages tied to the bottom of their motor home, when they arrived home through the port into Kent.

The British government has agreed to spend a paltry £4m a year on combatting the enemy invasion from Calais.

How they are actually going to tackle the problem is not clear, apart from making a declaration to work closer with the French Police.

They seem more concerned about the welfare of the savage hordes than they do about defending the British people from them.

In fact ,they have promised to “respond to health emergencies and protect vulnerable people,” which is code for “feed them, clothe them, medicate them, house them and educate them, while they are waiting for a way to break into Britain.”

All they care about is deterring the beasts from congregating in herds around Calais. Oh, and they are going to put some more fences up and pay for some more security.

All the while this is going on, our army, who we have for the precise purpose of defending our country from invasion, are out in Afghanistan protecting the poppy fields and in Syria and Iraq instructing the Jihadis on how to use the new weapons Obama has just given them.

What more evidence do we need that we have been taken over by a hostile foreign force, masquerading as White people?

Enemy troops queue to be fed by their gullible victims.


The UK is investing £12m over three years to tackle the growing problem of illegal immigrants at Calais hoping to gain entry to Britain.

The joint initiative between the UK and France will see security at the port improved and raise awareness.

Home Secretary Theresa May and her French counterpart Bernard Cazeneuve have reached a deal to tackle the issue.

It comes as police warned they are struggling to contain violence and crime by illegal immigrants encamped in and around the French port who are desperate to cross the Channel.

Security and Immigration Minister James Brokenshire said: “Their declaration reaffirms their commitment to closer working by UK and French law enforcement agencies to target organised crime gangs behind people trafficking and smuggling.

“And the two countries will continue to push for action at European and international level to address the wider problem of illegal migration, of which Calais is just one very visible sign.

“The priority now is to implement the practical solutions that have been agreed.”

The savages are demanding to be housed and fed – like we don’t have our own people in our own countries who need housing and feeding. Those charities that feed them out in Africa have a lot to answer for. You should never feed dangerous animals because they will just grow to expect it and get angry if you stop.

They also promised to “respond to health emergencies and protect vulnerable people”, particularly victims of human trafficking, but insisted that the measures would not encourage immigrants to gather in Calais.

The statement said they would “ensure that all measures taken will deter illegal migrants from congregating in and around Calais”.

The UK will contribute £4m a year for three years to a joint intervention fund.

Some of the money will be used to construct robust fences and increase security in the parking area at the port.

Officials from both countries will work to improve the quality of border controls, possibly including the installation of new technology to address the dangers of migrants hiding in tankers and refrigerated lorries.

The statement added: “At the same time, efforts will be made to strengthen operational co-operation by establishing permanent joint mechanisms to deliver promptly the comprehensive action plan and enhance co-operation between British and French law enforcement agencies at the border.

More charities encouraging the creatures to believe they have a right to be fed by us.