Brood of Female Blacks Brutalize 15-Year-Old Girl on Video

Daily Stormer
June 30, 2014

These creatures are nothing more than animals.

Early reports are suggesting that the victim of this brutal attack was White.

It is hard to tell from the video.

We will bring you more information on this when we have it.

NY Daily News:

Cops are looking for a group of young women who beat a 15-year-old girl until she fell to the ground and then continued pummeling her in Brooklyn’s Prospect Park while onlookers did nothing.

The brutal beatdown happened around 6 p.m. Wednesday and was captured by witnesses on a cell phone and posted on the Internet. The teenager made a complaint to cops, who are investigating, police said.

Three of them attacked the girl, punching and kicking her all over.

In the recording, the girl is punched several times by three females while sitting on a park bench at Crooke Ave. and Parade Place. Police said the attack appears to have been unprovoked.

At one point, the teenager is pulled off the park bench by the three girls, who punch her in the face and kick her in the back.

A male who seems to be taping the hard-to-watch attack yells, “Oh, Oh! Oh, Yeah! Oh, Yeah!” Other females who are present also appear to be egging the girls on.

A girl wearing pink shorts and a white T-shirt pulls the victim’s hair, lifting her partially off the ground.

A female wearing a blue T-shirt kicks and punches the victim in the face. A third female, wearing all black, kicks the victim one last time in the face as she sits up.

Then, the three walk away.

During the attack, man in the background can be heard saying: “This is my young hitters right here!”