Brussels: Women Getting Ficki Fickied by 12-Year-Old “Syrians” on Trains

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 16, 2016

Not the actual sex attacker. But he probably is also a sex attacker, whoever he is.
Not the actual sex attacker. But he probably is also a sex attacker, whoever he is.

Arabs are hyper-sexual, to the point where they literally included rape of their enemies as a part of their religion.

It is in their blood to use sex as a weapon. These sex attacks are actual terrorism, and they are a racial hate crime. The longer this goes on, the more difficult it is going to be for the government and media to obfuscate that clear reality.

Daily Express:

At least three young victims have come forward so far about attacks on a train from Brussels to Tournai, Belgian police confirmed.

The alarm was raised by a woman who reported sexual assault to the police after her screams were heard by fellow passengers.

The victim was sitting alone on the Belgian train when three boys surrounded her and “threw themselves” at her before groping her on January 10.

A victim statement from the 22-year-old woman, who wishes to remain anonymous, obtained by local media said: “They threw themselves at her. She was in a state of shock.

“Her cries were heard by other passengers. Passengers alerted train staff and the police arrived to catch them.”

The three suspects, aged 12 and 13, were arrested by police at Tournai station, southwest of Brussels, but were soon let go after being interviewed, when police decided to not pursue the case.

A source close to the investigation said it was initially dropped because officers “did not want to make a big deal of it”.

There’s that again.

Remember though: officers have been ordered by politicians to protect these haji sex attackers. The media keeps playing like it is individual police making the decision to cover-up.

But the case was later re-opened after two new victims came forward to report being sexually assaulted in the same train.

The trio of Syrian males were all registered in France, reported Belgian media.

Officers have said it is unclear whether all the alleged assaults were committed by same or a different group.

The interim public prosecutor for Tournai, Frédéric Bariseau, said: “These assaults were not necessarily committed by the same trio of culprits.

“We are going to recall them to hear the new facts that have been brought to our attention.”

White 12-year-olds generally have only just begun puberty, and so have not developed an interest in sex. Arabs, being hyper-sexual, develop a sex drive much earlier. Because their society was based around constant wars, they evolved to possess extremely high fertility rates, and built their culture around their own evolutionary biology, as all races do.


At least the police in Belgium are still giving the race of attackers. It won’t be long until all European governments adopt the new Swedish policy of making it illegal for cops to give the race or national origin of criminals.