Casualty of Swedish Feminism, Brock Turner, Denied Appeal in Drunken Finger-Banging Case

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 9, 2018

Brock Turner did nothing wrong. This was a political lynching by organized feminism.

He drunkenly finger-banged a drunken whore at a drunken college party. This is certainly not a part of an ideal social order, but it is the social order he was born into. He did not violate any rules presented to him by our society.

He was convicted of rape, and his life was destroyed.

NBC Bay Area:

An appeals court on Wednesday rejected a former Stanford University swimmer’s bid for a new trial and upheld his sexual assault and attempted rape convictions.

The three-judge panel of the 6th District Court of Appeal in San Jose ruled Wednesday that there was “substantial evidence” that Brock Turner received a fair trial.

In 2016, a jury convicted Turner of sexually assaulting an intoxicated and unconscious woman outside an on-campus fraternity party.

The case got national attention after the victim’s powerful statement, which she read in court before Turner was sentenced, was shared widely online.

There is no evidence she was unconscious. Or that she was unconscious when the alleged finger-banging began. She may well have slipped into unconsciousness during the finger-banging. Or her eyes may have simply drunkenly shut.

Just in case you don’t remember…


Two Swedish graduate students, Peter Lars Jonsson (AKA W01) and Carl-Fredrik Arndt (AKA W02), were cycling by the Kappa Alpha fraternity on the Stanford campus about 1:00 a.m., on January 18, 2015, when they spotted the assault taking place. According to Arndt and Jonsson, they surprised Turner behind a dumpster on top of an unconscious woman. Jonsson testified that he confronted him asking “What the fuck are you doing? She’s unconscious.” According to Jonsson, Turner quickly rose and fled. As Arndt briefly went to determine whether she was breathing, Jonsson chased Turner, tripped him and held him down around 75 feet (23 m) away from the dumpster, asking “What are you smiling for?” Later, responding to the assistant District Attorney’s questions during the trial, Turner testified that he was laughing because he found the situation ridiculous. Arndt rapidly joined the chase, helping to pin Turner down when he was apprehended. A bystander at the dumpster called emergency services while two other passersby arrived to help Arndt and Jonsson keep Turner pinned on the ground. Campus police arrived moments later, questioned Turner, and then arrested him.

After his arrest, Turner told police that he met the victim at the Kappa Alpha house, they “drank beer together,” “walked away from the house holding hands,” and that he took off her clothes and fondled her while she rubbed his back. Turner then said he got nauseous and told her he needed to vomit. Turner said he got up and started to walk away to throw up, and heard another person saying something to him which he could not understand, then heard the same person talking to another person in a foreign language. He also denied running from the graduate students. During his trial testimony, Turner stated that he and the victim drank beer together, danced and kissed at the party and agreed to go back to his room. Turner stated that the victim slipped on a slope behind a wooden shed, then Turner got down to the ground and started kissing with the victim. Turner stated he then asked her if she wanted him to “finger” her, to which she said yes. He stated that he “fingered” her for a minute as they were kissing, then they started “dry humping.” Turner testified that he stumbled down an incline where he was confronted by the graduate students saying things like “You’re sick” and “Do you think that’s OK?” Turner testified that he didn’t know what they were talking about. They said they grabbed him, but Turner said that he broke away, but was quickly tackled.

Fuck the Swedes.

They need to be banned from America, along with the niggers.

Wtf do they think they are doing coming to our country and telling us how we are allowed to party?

Go back to your own country – with the highest rape rate in Europe due to your fetish for Islamic immigrant rapists – and deal with your own issues, Sweden.

This is what rape victims look like, Sweden:

And this is what rapists look like:

Get your fucking shit together, shitswedes.