Catalan About to Declare Independence

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 10, 2017

I’m back to not giving any shits about this situation after they killed my domain and claimed it was about the honor of their alleged “nation.”

I see both sides, and I just don’t care because I don’t live there or feel any ideological connection at all to either team.

New York Times:

The battle between Catalan separatists and the Spanish central government headed for a showdown Tuesday evening, when Carles Puigdemont, the leader of the region, was expected to declare independence from the rest of the country.

Politicians and analysts expect Mr. Puigdemont, who is to speak to the regional Parliament at 6 p.m., to issue a toned-down declaration that would leave the door open for negotiations with the national government in Madrid, although Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has rejected any dialogue with Catalan separatists until they abandon plans for secession.

Mr. Puigdemont is struggling to keep together his unwieldy alliance of separatist lawmakers, who control a majority of the seats in the Catalan Parliament after winning 48 percent of the votes in 2015.

Hard-line separatists want Mr. Puigdemont to meet his pledge to follow through on the results of the highly disputed Catalan referendum on Oct. 1, in which voters in the region backed independence, although the vote had been suspended by the Constitutional Court in Madrid.

Lawmakers from Mr. Puigdemont’s conservative party, however, are wary about further escalating tensions with Madrid, especially after several prominent companies announced plans to move their headquarters from Catalonia because of legal uncertainties of a secession.

Miquel Iceta, the leader of the Catalan Socialist Party, which opposes secession, warned that Mr. Puigdemont would put Catalonia in a very difficult situation, regardless of how he presented his independence plan.

“To play with the words doesn’t remove their significance,” Mr. Iceta told La Sexta, a Spanish television channel. “You either declare independence or not. This is looking very bad; let’s not fool people.”

Juan Ignacio Zoido, the Spanish interior minister, urged Mr. Puigdemont on Tuesday to “take a step back,” saying the Catalan leader had no choice but to respect the Constitution. “Outside the law,” Mr. Zoido said, “there is no possible dialogue and only confrontation, which we have advised against since the very first minute.”

Mr. Zoido told reporters that the Spanish police were prepared to intervene if street protests intensified in Catalonia, which concerns some Catalan officials. A police crackdown on the day of the referendum left hundreds injured, according to the Catalan authorities, and many in the region fear that an independence declaration could trigger another harsh response.

Jordi Turull, a spokesman for the Catalan government, said the police had “acted as a vehicle for politics.”

Basically, Spain fucked themselves by sending those cops in to beat those hippies. If they wouldn’t have done that, they could have just held the position after the vote that it wasn’t valid. But now, there is so much public support for the victimized Cats that they are going to have a very difficult time standing on principle here.

I don’t like to make hard predictions, but I care so little about this that I don’t care if I’m wrong: I think Madrid is going to double down and send in the cops again, European national leaders are going to declare support for Catalan after independence is declared in order to avoid the optics of siding with a hippie-smashing police state, Spain is going to back down, they will enter some complex Brexit-like negotiations that will be moderated by the EU and drag on forever.

The Merkel media machine was shilling hard against the Cats. But she can play this to her advantage. Catalan wants integration with the EU, so it doesn’t really matter very much whether they’re “independent” or not, other than for the fact that this will make other ethnic minorities across Europe declare they have the same rights, which the EU would prefer not to have to deal with.