CDC Says “Summer Wave” of Coronavirus Spreading Through America

The CDC should do a commercial with that football guy that Taylor Swift is dating where he sings AC/DC’s “Back in Black” and talks about how coronavirus is back.

He could run through the streets locking people in their houses.

That weirdo granny lover already works for Pfizer.

Is the CDC too cheap to pay AC/DC for the rights to the song?

Why don’t they do this ad?


Covid-19 levels have been rising in the United States for weeks as new variants drive what’s become an annual summer surge.

Covid-19 surveillance has been scaled back significantly since the US public health emergency ended more than a year ago — individual cases are no longer counted, and severe outcomes are based on representative samples of the population — but the data that is available is showing a consistent upward trend.

Infections are probably growing in at least 38 states, according to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Wastewater surveillance suggests that viral activity is still relatively low, but hospitalizations and deaths are also ticking up.

Covid-19 levels are especially high in the West, where viral levels are back to what they were in February, and in the South, according to the CDC.

“The virus tends to replicate well and to stay alive in an environment with warm and moist conditions. That fits with what we’re seeing,” said Dr. Robert Hopkins, medical director of the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, a nonprofit public health organization. “The South and the West are steamy and hot right now.”

Because of manufacturing timelines, experts have to make predictions now if they want a new vaccine for fall.

You know, I’m getting pretty sick of these experts.

Why not do a plebiscite and ask the population if they want a new vaccine for fall?

Earlier this month, the FDA endorsed a plan to update the Covid-19 shots to be more effective against the JN.1 lineage of the coronavirus. But the agency later updated its own recommendation. Vaccine manufacturers were advised to target the KP.2 strain if possible, in part because of the “recent rise in cases.”

“JN.1 has continued to evolve, and it makes it somewhat difficult to pick the particular specific strain to be used,” Dr. Jerry Weir, director of the Division of Viral Products in the Office of Vaccines Research and Review at the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, told an independent advisory committee ahead of the initial recommendation.

The new vaccines — some that will make the switch to target KP.2 — are anticipated to become available between mid-August and late September. That’s enough time to offer protection during the winter respiratory virus season but probably after this summer’s wave has ebbed.

People are still going in and getting these boosters. That’s something that’s happening. I wish I knew someone who worked at Walgreens who could tell me what these people are like. I just can’t even imagine it. Is it trannies? 

They could do a virus hoax before the election.

I don’t really feel that’s what’s going down. But it could be.

Here’s the thing: the first “pandemic” hoax worked so well, there is no chance they won’t do it again eventually.

At this point, I think it’s too fresh in people’s memory and they’ve also had time to reflect. They could have blitzed it through again last year, but now even normal people are like “wow that shit was insane, what was it even about?” And a lot, lot, lot of people are now saying what Dr. Anglin said from day one: “It was just the normal flu and they said it was something different because they wanted to do a bunch of weird shit.”

I think they’ll keep a constant drone of this in the background until they decide to do it again.

I doubt it’s incoming.

But who the hell knows.

With that Biden debate, seeing that guy’s own people set him up like that, I’m sensing anything is possible in the next few months.

NOTE: I know the opening joke was not funny. It was meant to be more “endearing” than funny. I have to make a lot of jokes. Sometimes they flow like succulent juice from a fresh grape. Sometimes, like right now, writing is like punching myself in the face. Still considering the “taking Sundays off” thing, btw.