CDC Tells Fully Vaxxed to Wear Masks Indoors Because of Deadly Delta Variant

The single most shocking thing about this is that no one could have ever predicted it.

The Guardian:

The nation’s top health agency revised its mask guidance on Tuesday and now recommends fully vaccinated Americans wear masks indoors in certain places.

In a shift from its earlier guidance issued on 13 May, which said vaccinated individuals did not need to wear masks in most indoor settings, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now advises Americans to wear a mask in “public indoor settings” with “substantial and high transmission”. This comes amid a surge in Covid cases as the highly contagious Delta variant has become more prevalent.

Tuesday’s updated guidelines come two months after the CDC revised its mask guidance for vaccinated people. The guidance, which still called for wearing masks in crowded indoor settings, like buses, planes, hospitals, prisoners and homeless shelters, had cleared the way for reopening workplaces and other venues.

Why the change? Because the CDC follows the science, and science demands it.

The CDC now recommends that fully vaccinated people living with vulnerable household members such as those who are immunocompromised and children wear masks in indoor public spaces. In addition, the agency recommended everyone in K-12 schools wear masks, “including teachers, staff, students and visitors, regardless of vaccination status”, said the CDC director, Dr Rochelle Walensky, in a press briefing on Tuesday.

“In recent days I have seen new scientific data from recent outbreak investigations showing that the Delta variant behaves uniquely differently from past strains of the virus that cause Covid-19,” Walensky said, referring to scientists’ discovery of the Delta strain shedding as actively in breakthrough infections as it does in unvaccinated individuals, despite the rarity of breakthrough cases.

For months Covid cases, deaths and hospitalizations were falling steadily, but the highly infectious Delta variant of the coronavirus has fueled steep rises in case numbers, particularly among unvaccinated Americans and amid struggles with disinformation and resistance, particularly on the political right.

Nobody wants to go backward but you have to deal with the facts on the ground, and the facts on the ground are that it’s a pretty scary time and there are a lot of vulnerable people,” Robert Wachter, chairman of the department of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, told the Washington Post.

“I think the biggest thing we got wrong was not anticipating that 30% of the country would choose not to be vaccinated.”

It’s higher than 30%.

It’s hard to believe they didn’t predict that, but they actually don’t seem to have predicted it. Apparently, they thought if they could get Trump and the Republicans to go out and shill, the goyim would just be goyim.

Obviously, as we saw in Iceland this week, the unvaxxed have nothing to do with the alleged problem, and blaming the unvaxxed is just part of a demonization strategy.

Of course, it doesn’t make any sense, but it doesn’t have to make any sense – because those who have taken the vaxx have already sold their souls, and there is no coming back for them. They can’t do anything but support the agenda.

So when they’re told that it is the unvaxxed who are to blame for them having to wear masks, they will believe it and they will hunt down and turn against the unvaxxed.