China People Now Have Longer Healthy Life Expectancy Than Americans

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 31, 2018

China people are not a bunch of fat slobs.

Blacks do screw up our numbers.

But those white numbers are still disgusting.

White Americans – especially women – could learn a lot from China people.

We are a race that is committing suicide while China people are on the big come up.


China has overtaken the United States in healthy life expectancy at birth for the first time, according to World Health Organization data.

Chinese newborns can look forward to 68.7 years of healthy life ahead of them, compared with 68.5 years for American babies, the data – which relates to 2016 – showed.

American newborns can still expect to live longer overall – 78.5 years compared to China’s 76.4 – but the last 10 years of American lives are not expected to be healthy.

The reason we live longer is because of the insane “end of life care” scam which is basically a way for boomers to torture their parents by keeping them alive long after they’re braindead or in total suffering through expensive surgeries.

Boomers are scared to see their parents die because they know it means they won’t live forever.

America is the only country that does this “let’s spend hundreds of thousands of dollars keeping mom alive while she’s braindead hooked up to a machine” bit.

“The lost years of good health that are a factor in calculating healthy life expectancy at birth are lower for China, Japan, Korea and some other high income Asian countries than for high income ‘Western’ countries,” said WHO spokeswoman Alison Clements-Hunt.

The United States was one of only five countries, along with Somalia, Afghanistan, Georgia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, where healthy life expectancy at birth fell in 2016, according to a Reuters analysis of the WHO data, which was published without year-on-year comparisons in mid-May.

The best outlook was for Singaporean babies, who can count on 76.2 years of health on average, followed by those in Japan, Spain and Switzerland. The United States came 40th in the global rankings, while China was 37th.

This is just symptomatic of everything else.

We are a nation in full collapse.