Chinese Poll: 81% Sympathize with Brenton Tarrant After Reading Manifesto

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 19, 2019

A poll of over 2000 Chinese people was done on WeChat, the most popular Chinese social media app, and found that after reading the manifesto, 81% sympathized with Brenton Tarrant.


Do you have sympathy after reading the gunman’s essay? 

Very much sympathy – 56%

A little sympathy – 25%

No strong feelings – 13%

I hate him – 4%

A Further 61% said that it wasn’t terrorism, but an act of revenge.


How would you characterize the attack on the mosque? 

Vengeance – 61%

Terrorist attack – 10%

Self-defense behavior – 14%

Violent crime – 3%

Political intrigue – 10%




Chinese people have a general obsession with revenge as a justified concept, and have no trouble understanding the concept of collective punishment and group responsibility. None of this “oh but those specific individuals didn’t do the specific acts he was angry about so they are individually totally innocent” nonsense.

But 14% saying he was just defending himself is hilarious.

So is only 10% calling it terrorism. Even I’m like “yeah okay, this is technically political terrorism” and the Chinese are like “nah brah, this was righteous vengeance or maybe just self-defense.”

And I wonder how many people are going to be arrested for saying this in the “oppressive no human rights dictatorship” of China?

Any guesses on the number of people who will be arrested for sympathizing with Brenton Tarrant in China?

Because in the West, they’re rounding people up left and right for that.

Some people have given me shit for saying that I would support a Chinese Occupation Government replacing the current Jewish Occupation Government, but what do you want?

It’s clear at this point that white people are emotionally incapable of running their own countries if they exist in an environment of media saturation. White people are too influenced by propaganda to run a country on anything other than bizarre, unrealistic abstract principles or just womanlike emotionality.

When we are run by the Chinese, they will let us have healthy families and societies free from all of this Jew pollution. They will just check in on us and make sure we continue to pump out scientific inventions for them to mass produce.

Everything will be mathematical.

A full Chinese takeover is the best possible future for the West.

Just relax.

Embrace it.