CNN: Russians Used Pokemon GO to Fuck with Niggers’ Minds! THIS IS EVIL!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 13, 2017



An investigation by CNN has discovered that suspected Russian actors allegedly used the popular augmented-reality game Pokemon Go to sow discord and fuel racial tensions among Americans during the 2016 US presidential election.

The report alleged that a Tumblr page linked to a supposed Russian hacking group promoted a contest encouraging people involved in the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement to play Pokemon Go at sites known for being scenes of police brutality. The aim, the report claimed, was to inflame racial tensions.

In what seems an elaborate, and rather contrived, scheme, players were apparently told to change their characters’ names to victims of the incidents. A post by ‘Eric Garner’, the name of a man who died after being put in a chokehold by police in Staten Island, New York, in 2014, even promoted a contest offering the winner an Amazon Prime gift card. CNN found no evidence that anyone entered the contest.

“According to CNN logic, African Americans shape their public stance playing Pokemons,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wrote on Facebook. “That is how feebly the TV channel explains the emergence of racial problems in modern USA. Russians are to blame again… and the Pokemons they control.”

CNN seems to be jumping on any story that sheds a negative light on Russia, Jennifer Breedon, an attorney with specializations in International and Criminal Law, told RT.

“It does not even talk about the election. In fact, CNN has been crying from the hilltops about Russia meddling in the election from day one,” Breedon said. “We don’t know what’s happened. We do not know the facts, the evidence of this ‘CNN investigation’.”

Accusing Russia of forcing someone to visit specific places is absurd, the lawyer said, arguing that people play games of their own free will. Any racial tensions that Russia is being accused of sparking already exist in US society, she noted.


It’s gone too far now.

There are some things on this earth… that simply should not be hacked.

They must be stopped.

Seriously though guys.

I think this is the official shark jump of CNN and their insane Russian conspiracy theory.

This is going to be a hard one to flush down the memory hole.