CNN to the Goyim: “Eat the Maggot, Maggot!”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 26, 2019

Just so you understand, the Jewish media demanding that you eat bugs to stop global warming is not a meme.

They are actually doing that.


On a morning in the not-too-distant future, you might toast bread made with cricket flour, drink a protein smoothie made from locust powder, and eat scrambled eggs (made extra-creamy with the fat from mopane caterpillars) with a side of mealworm bacon.

That meal will give you four times the iron, more than three times the protein and more key vitamins and minerals than the bread, smoothie, eggs and bacon you eat today — all while saving the planet.

No way you’ll eat bugs, you say?

Well, sorry to break this to you, but if you eat chocolate, pizza and spaghetti, you are already eating insects — and worse.

Yes, as I said when that linked article was published, “you’re already eating them, goyim” is going to be a big part of the initial marketing of the concept.

Besides “it’s normal,” “it’s healthy” is the other argument.

Your friends and neighbors are already munching on insects. According to a report by Global Market Insights, the US edible insect market topped $55 million in 2017 and is expected to grow to nearly $80 million by 2024.

Europe’s on track to do the same, while Asia Pacific nations are expected to eat $270 million worth of insects by the quarter of the century.

A growing demand for high quality protein, along with a movement toward sustainability and against processed foods, are a few of the reasons behind the growing popularity.

Here’s another explanation: Bugs are very good for you.

Many countries and traditions have known this for decades, even centuries. According to a 2013 report by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), at least 2 billion people worldwide eat bugs every day.

Except it isn’t really healthy.

This article couldn’t be published now of course, but way back in 2018, VICE Australia published an article by a woman who spent a week eating bugs:

The United Nations has been instrumental in this push, forcing entomophagy into popular culture with the 2013 paper: “Edible insects: future prospects for food and feed security.” The paper was downloaded 2.4 million times in just 24 hours, and as you may recall, 2013 was a big year for people saying stuff like “apparently hamburgers in the future will be made from locusts.”

But now, five years later, that still isn’t happening. The world’s ecosystems are in worse shape while another half billion people have been born. And still, no one’s eating bugs, which makes me wonder: Is an insect diet really a solution?

I decided to find out.

My first meal taught me that crickets taste like dirt. I drank a cricket powder protein shake, which felt a bit like sand sliding down my throat. After drinking two mouthfuls of sludge, I threw the smoothie in the sink and went to work on an empty stomach, unsatisfied and hungry.

By lunch, I was starving and decided to tackle the bugs head-on. So I inundated a vegetable stir fry with maggots, similar to what Sackle had recommended. “They’re crunchy and they kind of taste like caramel popcorn,” he’d assured me. I pushed myself into eating as much as I could, but the tropical fly spawn ruined everything. I’d managed two bites before I burst into tears, alone in the staff room.

I was having a really bad time. Some quotes from my food diary read: “I hate everyone,” and “I don’t want anyone to look at me or ask me why I’m eating these fucking things,” and, the worst of them: “I wish I was dead.” I felt suicidal and stupid, even though I was aware that it was just a simple lack of food. These manic episodes were just a byproduct of inadequate caloric consumption, but knowing that didn’t help.

Traumatized from the night before, I skipped breakfast and rode to work on my bike, and my vision began to fade. The ground slipped beneath me. I wasn’t consuming food and my body had gone into starvation mode: I was hallucinating. I kept seeing Studio Ghibli’s translucent clouds hovering above my bike’s handlebars.

She decides at the end that even as an ethical vegan environmentalist, she is against eating bugs.

The whole concept that all the people of the world eat bugs is stupid also.

Bugs are a weird novelty in Asia and Latin America. They are eaten almost half-jokingly. They are not some staple of anyone’s diet.

This whole thing really is just to mess with people’s heads. There is no other reason they would be telling you to eat bugs. There are all kinds of other scientific solutions, even if we decide to let Africans breed uncontrollably until there are 30 billion people on earth.

It is pure goyim abuse.