Confirmed LOLCOW Jewess Julia Ioffe Whines to The Guardian About Stormer Troll Army

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 29, 2016

I have a nose for LOLCOWs. This is mainly due to the fact that I’ve been sniffing them for a decade and a half.

Yesterday, I predicted that Julia Ioffe was a LOLCOW (LOLKIKE?), following her attack on Empress Melania.

She did not fail to deliver.

The Guardian:

Journalist Julia Ioffe has experienced this kind of harassment before: in Vladimir Putin’s Russia.

In the 24 hours since her profile of Donald Trump’s wife, Melania, appeared in GQ magazine, the Russian-American journalist has received a torrent of antisemitic, vitriolic and threatening messages from supporters of the Republican frontrunner.

But of course, we never see these “threatening messages,” do we? We just see insults, then hear tell of threats.

In the deeply disturbing response to her piece, Ioffe said she sees a frightening future of what freedom of the press – and the country – might look like under a president Trump.

“What happens if Donald Trump is elected?” Ioffe said. “We’ve seen the way he bids his supporters to attack the media, his proposal to change libel laws to make it easier to sue journalists.”

HA! The Jewish media – which has almost completely destroyed this entire country – is the real victim! Someone needs to stand-up and protect the Jew propaganda apparatus! Where do they get the nerve???

On Thursday, she answered a phone call from an anonymous caller who played a Hitler speech. She received another call from “Overnight Caskets”. On Twitter, users posted photos of her face superimposed on a mug shot from Auschwitz. The Daily Stormer, a white supremacist site, attacked Ioffe in a blog post titled: “Empress Melania Attacked by Filthy Russian Kike Julia Ioffe in GQ!”

“It’s unsettling,” she said on Thursday night. “I started the day off having a sense of humor about it but by the end of the day, after a few phone calls like this, with people playing Hitler speeches, and the imagery, and people telling me my face would look good on a lampshade, it’s hard to laugh.”

Ioffe is one of America’s top feature writers. A former staff member at the liberal New Republic magazine, she freelances for publications such as the New Yorker and New York Times.

Her GQ profile of Melania Trump revealed that the the Slovenian model – and the billionaire’s third wife – has a half-brother who the family was not in contact with.

“This is not a heavily critical article. There is nothing in it that is untrue,” Ioffe said. “If this is how Trump supporters swing into action what happens when the press looks into corrupt dealings, for example, or is critical of his policies?”

Ioffe worked as a reporter in Moscow for three years. During this period, she experienced antisemitism and witnessed colleagues receive bouquets of funeral flowers at work. But never as a journalist working in the United States.

The irony of this is that today, when I was getting all of this horrible antisemitic shit that I’ve only ever seen in Russia, I was reminded that 26 years ago today my family came to the US from Russia. We left Russia because we were fleeing antisemitism,” Ioffe said. “It’s been a rude shock for everyone.”

Hear that, boys?

We’re the new Russia!

Our Jew-hatred has brought us to the level of that of a country where the entire population was nearly exterminated by these vicious rats!

Ioffe was crying on Twitter, apparently expecting a dashing young hooked-nose prince to come to her rescue.

Hey, you know a better place to flee anti-Semitism?


That’s right – you have your own country!

You can go there and stop telling us how to run our country and then feeling oh-so-sad as soon as someone calls you out on it!

Gtfo, kike!

She did get a bit of sympathy from other parasitic Jews, including Neocon terrorist John Podhoretz.

Oh, is that a reference to the Talmud, Mr. Podhoretz, where you wrote that Jesus Christ is in hell boiling in a vat of feces?

Or are you just racially prone to think about poop-baths?

Maybe it’s a bit of both.


The lulzy bitch is pushing, pushing, pushing this thing to the limits, begging for sympathy because “OMG we got Holocausted!” She’s going on a radio show to talk about the feelings she felt when people told her she was going to get sent to a concentration camp.

This is a LOLCOW that we can keep on milking, so please, visit her Twitter and tell her what you think of her vicious assaults on the wife of Our Leader.

Also, don’t forget to visit the Twitter of the toadlike Jew Eli Lake, an ally of Ioffe, who said we are “un-American” for wanting to put America First (instead of Israel).

This is why The Daily Stormer is the number one site – we take the war to the enemy!

Hail Victory.