Congress’ Most Sultry Donkey Protests Inside Nancy Pelosi’s Office

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 14, 2018

So, we’ve talked about Cuck Death. This is the concept of the Republican Party shedding its cuck element – which was represented by John McCain, Paul Ryan and Jeff Flake, all of whom are now gone – and becoming a pure MAGA nationalist party.

Some people in the Democrat Party are attempting a similar transformation, trying to push the party into full brown communism, and shed all of the white elements, get rid of anyone who is against total communism.

I hope they are successful.

Fox News:

Moments after arriving on Capitol Hill for freshman orientation, Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., went to the office of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.

It wasn’t to speak with Pelosi about her run for House speakership. But to join an impromptu sit-in outside of Pelosi’s office to push for congressional action on climate change.

We need to tell her that we’ve got her back in showing and pursuing the most progressive energy agenda that this country has even seen,” Ocasio-Cortez said while standing in the middle of a group of around 200 protestors holding signs reading “Green Jobs For All.”

The protesters wants Democratic leaders to put forward a “Green New Deal” that includes a swift transition to 100 percent renewable energy in line with findings of a recent report on climate change by United Nations. Fox News has learned 51 protesters were arrested Tuesday after refusing to leave a hallway outside Pelosi’s office.

Pelosi, who was in New York on Tuesday, has been a major advocate for the battle against climate change and the protestors were hoping to pressure the presumptive next House speaker to push to put climate change on the agenda when the new Congress starts session in January.

The whole “climate change” thing was really just an excuse for Ocasio to show up in Pelosi’s office and get aggro.

The team that she represents doesn’t even want Pelosi as Speaker at all – and they apparently believe they can push her out.

CBS News:

Even as newly-elected members of the House arrived in Washington Wednesday for orientation, Democrats jockeyed behind the scenes in the battle over who the new House speaker should be.

A small but vocal group of returning Democrats is continuing a previous effort to block current Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi — the first woman elected speaker in 2006 –from getting the gavel again. Democrats will reclaim the House majority in January.

Rep. Seth Moulton, D-Mass., one of the leaders of the anti-Pelosi effort, said he was “100 percent confident” that the contingent of lawmakers trying to block Pelosi had the votes to do it. They argue that the American people voted for new leadership in the midterm elections and don’t want to see the same trio atop the party in the House that’s been there for more than a decade.

Moulton and the other lawmakers said they plan to release a letter with enough signatures of members and members-elect who are pledging not to vote for Pelosi that it would become clear she doesn’t have 218 votes needed to be elected speaker on the House floor. He wouldn’t reveal the number who have signed on so far because, he said, more are signing on by the day.

Moulton said he and his allies are bolstered by at least seven members-elect he who have made firm promises not to vote for Pelosi.

“The whole point of the letter is to accelerate this process so that it doesn’t spill out onto the floor. … We want to make it clear before it comes to that that she should step aside,” Moulton said Tuesday. “We’re trying to do the right thing for the party by solving this ahead of time.”

Trump has trolled the Democrats, saying he wants Pelosi.

But I’m sure he’d rather have some brown communist.

Whoever they choose, it’s going to be hilarious.