Continuing US Love Affair with Islamic Terrorism, Trump Signs Bill Sanctioning China

The US Government’s anti-China agenda is all totally backwards. It is primarily right-wingers who are against China, but the policies of China that the US opposes are things that the right-wing in America doesn’t care about.

The US government has made a big deal of supporting Antifa terrorists in Hong Kong, and now Donald Trump has signed a bill showing solidarity with Islamic terrorists in China.

Do Trump supporters care about this? Do they want to send taxpayer money to support Islamic terrorists attacking the Chinese?

Why don’t we instead focus on the trade deficit? Isn’t that what the people actually want?


President Donald Trump signed legislation on Wednesday calling for sanctions against those responsible for the repression of Uighur Muslims in China’s far western region of Xinjiang, the White House said in a statement.

The bill, which passed the US Congress with only a single ‘no’ vote, was intended to send China a strong message on human rights by mandating sanctions against those responsible for the oppression of members of China’s Muslim minority.

The United Nations estimates that more than one million Muslims have been detained in camps in Xinjiang that China says are vocational skills training centres and necessary to tackle extremism.

China’s foreign ministry said the US law was a malicious attack.

“We again urge the US side to immediately correct its mistakes and stop using this Xinjiang-related law to harm China’s interests and interfere in China’s internal affairs,” the ministry said in a statement.

“Otherwise China will resolutely take countermeasures, and all the consequences arising therefrom must be fully borne by the United States.”

Trump issued a “signing statement” alongside the law, saying that some of the sanctions’ requirements might limit his constitutional authority as president to conduct diplomacy so he would regard them as advisory rather than mandatory.

Trump did not hold a ceremony to mark his signing the bill into law, which came as US newspapers published excerpts from a new book by his former national security adviser, John Bolton.

Among other allegations in the book, Bolton said Trump spoke approvingly of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s explanation of “why he was basically building concentration camps” to intern Uighurs during a G20 meeting in Osaka in 2019 that was attended only by interpreters.

Bolton wrote that the US interpreter said that Trump spoke approvingly of the camps. Bolton added that he had also been told by Matt Pottinger, a National Security Council official who is hawkish on China, that Trump had said something similar during a 2017 trip to China.

The Uighur law calls for sanctions on Xinjiang’s Communist Party secretary, Chen Quanguo, who is also a member of the powerful Politburo, for “gross human rights violations”. It also calls on US companies with operations in Xinjiang to take steps to ensure their supply chains are free from forced labour.

I’m sure Trump did say he supported camps for terrorists. It sounds like something he would say. It sounds like something any rational person would say. What kind of people support Islamic terrorism, other than the Jews?

It has been the policy of the US government to support Islamic terrorism around the globe for decades. If a group of non-Moslems is fighting Moslems, they will send money and weapons to the Moslems. If two groups of Moslems are fighting, they will identify the more violent of the two groups, and support them.

We destroyed Serbia in the 1990s under the guise of really loving Islamic terrorism. But we have to wonder: does the US government just on principle love terrorism, or do they simply use Islamic terrorism against their enemies?

Given that Islamic terrorism can only ever have a negative effect, and never results in anyone building anything or making anything better, it makes sense that it would appear that the US government is run by extremist Moslems, when in actuality, they only want global order in the name of a bizarre agenda.

China is a major issue, but the issue is that they manufacture all of our products, being in a conspiracy with the corporate elite of the United States. That is the problem, and that is what needs to be solved. Attacking China for putting terrorists in camps does not help with that agenda, all it does is make negotiations over trade more difficult.

Furthermore, this once again puts the US in the role of world morality police. I’ve always been against that, but whilst we are in the midst of a total revolution in our own country, it becomes even more ridiculous. We are saying now that everything that this country has done in its entire history has been wrong, and in fact evil, but we are also saying that we have a right to tell the entire world what is right and wrong?