Corporate Jew Media Outraged at Gunmaker’s Anti-Antifa Ad

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
January 13, 2018

An ad featuring a working class oriented apparel firm and a gunmaker has sparked outrage in the corporate Jewish media.

What is so offensive to the elites is that they dared portray the J-left vigilantes of political correctness – “Antifa” – as they actually are.

Because the police, courts, plutocrats, celebrities and mainstream press either enable or support Antifa (depending on the state and city), it is now controversial in America to encourage normal citizens engaging in their First and Second Amendment rights to band together and defend themselves from far-left mob violence.

The Jew Kyle Arnold has written an Antifa-advocacy-masking-as-reporting piece for the Orlando Sentinel:

An Apopka gunmaker is fighting off criticism for a “Not Today Antifa” ad it posted online that some say threatens liberal protesters.

The ad posted Monday night on Facebook from Spike’s Tactical shows four men with bullet-proof vests and holding semi-automatic rifles, staring down a group of black-masked men raising fists and crowbars while fires rage in the background.

It reads “Berkeley, Portland, Charlottesville, Boston,” and “Not Today Antifa.” Those cities were the sites of high-profile demonstrations from white supremacist groups. Antifa is short for anti-facist and is the term coined for a particularly vocal minority of counter-protesters.

In a statement Wednesday, Spike’s said the ad is “pro-American” and doesn’t promote violence against protesters. The ad was posted to promote a specially painted AR-15 rifle from the company and apparel maker Pipe Hitters Union.

The Facebook post has drawn hundreds of heated comments, some criticizing Spike’s for promoting violence and others defending the gunmaker.

“Spikes you are making a HUGE mistake with this post,” one Facebook commenter said.

“So you think that the only people who buy guns are your alt right, neo nazi nut jobs?” another comment said.

A controversial ad of this nature isn’t surprising, considering the political climate that has emerged since President Donald Trump was elected in November 2016, said Tracy Kizer, an associate professor of marketing at the Rollins College Crummer Graduate School of Business.

“If you think about their intended audience, it seems pretty clear what the intention is,” Kizer said.

Last year’s Super Bowl featured several advertisements with political undercurrents taking aim at controversial issues, such as immigration, a border wall and gender equality.

“It seems that we are seeing more of these polarizing ads, and companies are using their political identities to communicate with customers,” Kizer said.

Several anti-gun violence groups said the ad was irresponsible.

Mr. Arnold is supposed to be a straight news reporter. The fact that I can clearly discern his political views in this article is a testament to why most people in America hate and distrust the mainstream media.

There is nothing controversial about encouraging people who support Donald Trump or hold political view Jews don’t like (which is the sole metric Antifa uses when deciding who to attack) to be prepared to defend their rights.

Either publicly affirm that the emperor is fully clothed, or let a group of drug addicts and trust fund fags kill/assault you for your crime-think.

The good news is that the people who released this image are doubling down. Another hyper-ventilating attack by Vice (which is staffed mostly by Antifas and Weinsteiny sex predators) can’t believe that someone would tell them to piss off.

If this is the only social paradigm Jews feel safe in, then we need different countries.