Cover-Up in Spain: Two Children Kidnapped for Gang Rape, One Let Go “Because She was a Moslem”

Diversity Macht Frei
March 26, 2019

This story appeared in the Spanish newspaper El Mundo on 20th March.

The 15th was the anniversary of a terrible event whose victim was a 12-year-old girl, gang-raped by at least six youths aged between 15 and 20. However, this event has remained silenced. It took place in Azuqueca de Henares (Guadalajara), an industrial conurbation of 35,000 inhabitants where sex crimes have been on the increase, according to data from the Ministry of the Interior.

According to the investigation, which EL MUNDO has had access to, the incident began on 15 March 2018, after 1 pm, when the child, a Spanish girl of 12-years-old, was with several of her friends in the Lavadero de Azuqueca park. Then various youths turned up, the majority of them of Moroccan origin and a Nigerian. Some of them were known to the victim from the school environment or from mutual friends.

The youths took the girl and one of her friends and carried them to an abandoned building close to the park, a former home for the elderly. There they put them in a room and held a discussion among themselves for several minutes “in Arabic”. Minutes later, they released the friend “for being a Muslim” [“por ser mora”, “mora” can mean “North African” but is also generally used as slang for Muslim], as the latter explained to the victim. One of them then grabbed the girl and took her to a bath. There they knocked her face down. And the hell began, which the victim recalled as follows: “They held her hands and feet and covered her mouth, undressed her from the waist down and began to anally rape her one by one.” In total, she believes there were at least five or six, beginning with one of the adults, O.C. who had just reached 18. He is currently in provisional detention for the incident.

The girl screamed but the gang continued the rape, one by one, this time vaginally. Her friends, outside, heard the cries for help and tried to enter. But one of the attackers always threatened them with a stick to drive them back: “Anyone who comes in doesn’t come out,” he said.

The torture lasted 45 minutes, until the attackers had finished.

According to legal sources, three of the minors negotiated with the Youth Prosecution Service – three years of confinement and five more of separation from the victim. Of the two adults, O.C. is in preventive detention, accused of sexual assault and illegal detention. The Prosecution Service also argues that he tried to use his girlfriend to buy the victim’s silence. The other adult remains at liberty.

No official information was ever published about the event, which was much commented on by pupils at the school.