Cowardly ‘Knockout’ Attack by Black Juveniles Causes Disabled White Man Extreme Pain

News 4 Jax
March 23, 2014

Michael Carawaywas was punched in the face while he was pumping gas by the unattended Black juvenile.

A 16-year-old was arrested Friday, accused of attacking a disabled man pumping gas last month.

Kevin Johnson is charged with abuse of a disabled adult in the Feb. 4 attack at the Hess station on Merrill Road.

Michael Caraway was walking with a cane when he was struck in the face by a group a teens he believes was playing the “knockout game.” Caraway told Channel 4 the pain was extreme for a long time after he was attacked in February.

“I’m doing better, just taking things one day at a time,” said Caraway. “My wife and children are way more cautious than what we’ve been.”

Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office investigators obtained video from a nearby store that captured a group of males walking in front of a store during the same time period the attack occurred. Investigators were able to identify Johnson as a suspect and obtained a search warrant for his cellphone.

Kevin Johnson’s phone was full of videos showing feral Black juveniles physically attacking unsuspecting and defenceless White people.

Police say multiple videos on the phone show juveniles walking up to unsuspecting individuals and punching them — an activity called the “knockout game” by national media outlets.

Channel 4 brought the news of the arrest in his case Friday night to Caraway as he was outside his Arlington home.

“We would never expect it to happen to me and it did. So now we’re saying it can happen, so I tell my daughters be on their best behavior, looking out for people,” said Caraway. “They go in pairs now; my daughter does not like to go out by herself anymore since this happened.”

While Caraway said he is relieved that there’s been an arrest, he also thinks there are other teens who were present when he was punched in the face. Caraway said he hopes any accomplices are caught as well.

“They really try to knock you out, so when they try and knock you out, they’re going to do it. These are big boys,” said Caraway.

Johnson was charged as a juvenile with a third-degree felony and was ordered held without bond.

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