Critical Update on Stormer Book Clubs

Azzmador and Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 4, 2018

The Stormer Book Club project is moving full steam ahead. In a little over three weeks, we have solidified fourteen Clubs, and more coming to us to be vetted and trained to start their own club.

We have a listing service that is on Gab, and it follows all SBCs. If any organization calls itself a Stormer Book Club, and is not on this list, it is not an SBC. That doesn’t necessarily mean they are pulling something shady. Some are, but there are a few groups out there calling themselves Stormer Book Clubs that started when Andrew Anglin first rolled out the idea.

This is a totally new type of activist organization, and is set up to be decentralized, so it was originally thought that we would be able to just have people sign up on the BBS and do their thing, and we could set some guidelines and all would be well.

But that was not the case. We discovered that to do this properly, the chapters would need to be started off right, with the right people. A program needed to be developed, and we needed some hard and fast rules and guidelines, as well as set up a program of vetting prospective chapters, and for chapters to vet new members.

There also needed to be a uniform.

We now have all these things. I have been working with DFW Stormers for over a year, and running everything by Andrew Anglin, and we have beta tested everything. We have everything you need to get your chapter running and attract new members, as well as experience with IRL activism. We also have a private forum for all the clubs, which the members really enjoy.

So now, onto the next phase.

The Book Club section of the BBS is being taken down. There are several reasons for this. It turns out that, even under the best of circumstances, the BBS is just not a good platform for organizing these things. It is only semi-private, at best, and the OPs of book club threads can’t moderate the threads, so if someone posts something in them that isn’t appropriate, a mod has to be called in and likely there’s plenty of time for the wrong person to see it or screencap it.

Furthermore, despite having been told to never do it, people have posted private information in these meetup threads which had led to security problems.

So here’s the plan:

If you want to get involved with Stormer Book Clubs, check the Listing Service on Gab, and if there’s already one in your area, go to their page and contact them via the email in their bio. If there’s not one listed, contact DFW Stormers at and tell them you want to help start a chapter in your town and you’re ready to be vetted.

This is the only way you can become a member, or be an Official Stormer Book Club. 

If you have a meetup group from the old forum, and you want to become a recognized club, you need to go through the process. We are standardizing, and creating a working communications network.

I want to stress that, just because you apply, that is no guarantee that you will be accepted. Stormer Book Clubs are going to be the very best pro-White activist group on Earth, and we want the right kind of people. Most do make it, but not all.

You have to be willing to learn, have a good attitude, etc.

Things like the rules, regulations, guidelines and uniform are not negotiable. We’re not gonna debate them with you. Not at all. If you can’t accept these things, that means that you are not a person who can work in a group dynamic, nor are you willing or able to take orders well. We just don’t need people like that.

With that being said, we are really looking forward to hearing from all you fine young men who want to join a great new organization and help secure the existence of our people, and a future for White children!

These groups are not simply political activist groups – though they are that, of course – but places to help you develop yourself and be a part of a community.

We want to build stronger, smarter, better men, as that is what is at the core of any healthy revolutionary movement.

But understand that you are joining to make yourself better, and understand that we understand that you are coming out of the degenerate mainstream and coming to the group to be made better. So if you’re fat, socially awkward, have a retard hair cut, etc. – don’t worry. We’re here to help you with that, and we’re providing an environment where we accept guys coming in as they are (unless they are totally fucked) as long as they have a desire to improve themselves.