Croatia Bans Entry of Serbian Citizens Over Migrant Dispute

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 24, 2015

It's like another shoah!
It’s like another shoah!

How long ago was it that Croatia was condemning Hungary as evil for not taking unlimited migrants and saying they were all welcome to come into their base?


Croatia has banned Serbian citizens and cars from entering the country, Croatian border police told Reuters on Thursday, after Serbia banned Croatian cargo traffic in a growing dispute over the huge flow of migrants across their joint border.

Serbian passport holders and cars registered in Serbia cannot enter Croatia until further notice,” a police officer told Reuters by telephone from Bajakovo, the main crossing point between the two ex-Yugoslav republics.

Serbia banned Croatian cargo traffic and goods late on Wednesday, helping plunge bilateral relations to their lowest point since the overthrow of late Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic in 2000.

Belgrade imposed its embargo in retaliation for border restrictions levied by European Union member Croatia, which has hit out at its eastern neighbor for directing the flow of migrants coming up through the Balkan peninsula over their joint border.

Zagreb had banned all trucks but those carrying perishable goods from entering the country from Serbia and shut seven of eight road border crossings, saying Serbia should direct the migrants to Hungary and Romania too.

I am sorry about this. We had planned to open the border today but now we have to react to this,” Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic, whose centre-left cabinet faces a parliamentary election this year, said after Serbia imposed the ban.

So now Mama Merkel is starting yet another war in the Balkans.

Slobodan Milošević

She invited these people. She needs to planes, trains and/or automobiles to go pick them up.

“There will be no war or violence, everything will be calm, but this is not normal behavior (by Serbia),” Milanovic said on television from Brussels, where he was attending a summit of EU leaders.

lol at Balkan leader literally having to announce “no, no – we’re not going to have another war, srsly.”

More than 40,000 migrants, many of them Syrian refugees, have entered Croatia from Serbia since Tuesday last week when Hungary, both countries’ neighbor to the north, barred their entry to the EU by sealing its southern border with Serbia with a metal fence.

There’s the 40,000 again!

You know who else was in famous pictures standing around near a fence? Innocent, pitiful kikes who were viciously gassed in chambers of death by Nazis.
You know who else was in famous pictures standing around near a fence? Innocent, pitiful kikes who were viciously gassed in chambers of death by Nazis.

This is becoming like the six million Jews.

Serbia has been bussing migrants straight to the Croatian border after they enter Serbia from Macedonia.

Croatia is sending migrants north across its own border with Hungary, which in turn sends them to Austria, but Zagreb says it cannot cope with the numbers and wants Serbia to send some of the migrants to Hungary and Romania.

“I cannot allow that the people who travel in an uncontrolled way become organized at the end of their journey, that’s when the Serbian authorities come in, and end up at Croatia’s border,” Milanovic said.

To be fair, all Croatia is doing is busing them to the Slovenian or Hungarian borders. All anyone is trying to do is get these people to Germany, where they were literally invited to come live on welfare forever by Angela Merkel.

It isn’t anyone’s problem but Germany’s, but Germany is forcing it on everyone else. Germany is doing this to make up for the fake Holocaust of 60 trillion Jews. When they are attempting to force these refugees on other European nations, what they are saying is “you all did the Holocaust too – you must share in this suicide pact.”

The key here is the Jews and their fake Holocaust. We need to remember that. When the Holocaust comes down, the whole modern paradigm comes down.

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